And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25: 40Once again, our parish will be collecting frozen turkeys, canned goods, and non-perishable items to fill Thanksgiving baskets for Mount Carmel Guild and those in our parish family who are in need. We ask you to bring food for a Thanksgiving Day meal (see the list below). We can also use gift cards from local grocery stores (Shop Rite, or Stop & Shop) or monetary donations (checks payable to Mt. Carmel Guild), which will be used to supplement the items donated to make complete meals.
Please bring your donations to one of the following locations before or after the weekend Masses on November 9-10.
Our Lady of Sorrows Church Hall | |
Saturday, Nov. 9 | 4:30 – 6:00 PM |
Sunday, Nov. 10 | 7:30 AM – Noon |
Concrete Storage Shed in St. Anthony's Back Parking Lot | |
Saturday, Nov. 9 | 3:30 – 5:00 PM |
Sunday, Nov. 10 | 9:00 – 10:30 AM |
Instant Mashed Potatoes | Gravy, canned or packets |
Yams, canned | Cake mix, Icing |
Stuffing | Pie crust, filling |
Collard Greens | Macaroni & Cheese |
Vegetables, canned | Canned or shelf-stable milk |
Cranberry Sauce, canned | Tea, coffee, cocoa |
Corn | Canned Fruit |