During November, the Church calls us to commend to the Lord our departed brothers and sisters—the Souls in Purgatory—so that they might enter into the glory and joy of heaven. Prayer for the faithful departed is beautifully described here by Pope Benedict XVI:
[If] Purgatory did not exist, we should have to invent it. Why? Because few things are as immediate, as human, and as widespread—at all time and in all cultures—as prayer for one’s own departed dear ones. Praying for one’s departed loved ones is a far too immediate urge to be suppressed; it is a most beautiful manifestation of solidarity, love, and assistance, reaching beyond the barrier of death. The happiness or unhappiness of a person dear to me, who has now crossed to the other shore, depends in part on whether I remember or forget him; he does not stop needing my love.
Our parish remembers our faithful departed ones with a remembrance table at each church, where you can place photos of your loved ones who have died. The usual weekday Mass on November 2nd is open to all who want to remember their beloved dead in a special way, and for those who have lost a loved one in the past year, there is a special Mass for the Departed of the Last Year. You can generally find information on these Masses on the Mass & Confession Times page or on the Special Liturgical Celebrations page.