Every six months, each parish in the Diocese of Trenton receives 30% of the funds collected from its parishioners to be allocated to its own local case. Click the article title for more information.
We received a rebate of $4,077 as our share in the Faith to Move Mountains Campaign [FTMM] based on gifts received as of 6/30/20. Click the article title for more information.
Thanks to all those who have been so faithful in keeping their financial commitment to the Diocesan Faith to Move Mountains Campaign. I am pleased to report that our parish received a check in the amount of $6,401, as part of the “parish sharing” component of the appeal. Click the article title for more details.
We are pleased to inform you that our parish received a rebate check from the Diocese of Trenton in the amount of $7,851. Click the article title for more information.
Last week, the parish received a check in the amount of $12,992, a rebate from our parish contributions to the Faith to Move Mountains Endowment Campaign. This will be used to defray the cost of the capital repairs and improvements being made to our buildings this summer. Click the article title for more information.
Faith to Move Mountains Campaign: Last week, the parish received a check in the amount of $20,600.83, a rebate from our parish contributions to the Faith to Move Mountains Endowment Campaign. This rebate is part of the parish sharing component of the endowment appeal. It is based on the total cash payments of $690,854.61 less any previous rebates received. Click the article title to find out how the money will be spent, and other details.
The generosity of the contributors to the diocesan endowment campaign, "Faith to Move Mountains," has made possible a rebate to our parish in the amount of $26,615. This revenue is part of the parish sharing component of the campaign. These funds will go a long way in assisting us with meeting our expenses to maintain both campuses of our parish.
We are pleased to report that we have received the second rebate check realized through the generous response to the Faith to Move Mountains Endowment Campaign. Click the article title for details.
We have raised 60% of goal so far. If you would like to make a pledge, or need information on how to make pledge payments electronically, click the article title.
Thanks to the generous support of 348 parish families, we have reached 64% of our $1.49 million goal in the Diocese of Trenton's Faith to Move Mountains Campaign. Click the article title for more information.