During the next two weekends, our Ushers will be taking “attendance” at all Masses as part of our annual “October Count.” These figures will be sent to the diocesan Office of Pastoral Planning. We trust that the counting will not be too much of a distraction to your prayer.
Important! Please note! The annual October Count will be taken on the weekends of October 14-15 and 21-22. These statistics are mandated by the diocese and are useful for diocesan and parish planning.
Although the COVID-19’s Delta variant is still keeping the number of Mass attendees below normal, we will complete our annual “October count” this weekend (October 22-23). These statistics are mandated by the Diocese and are useful for diocesan and parish planning
Although the COVID-19’s Delta variant is still keeping the number of Mass attendees below normal, we will do our annual “October count” on the weekends of October 15-16 and 22-23. These statistics are mandated by the Diocese and are useful for diocesan and parish planning.