Our Lady of Sorrows – St Anthony’s 28th annual Golf Classic, held at Mercer Oaks on Monday, September 30th, was a tremendous success. Click here to find the winners, the total amount raised for the parish, and a list of the committee member who made this possible!
As we celebrate the season of Advent, a time to anticipate the birth of Christ, the Light of the World, our parish continues its tradition of inviting families to carry the lighted Advent candle in procession at the beginning of each week-end Mass. Click here to find out how YOU can participate in this lovely tradition.
Our Lady of Sorrows School invites you to bring your kids for breakfast with Santa, on December 8, from 9:30 to 11:30 AM. The cost is $5 per person, and you can register using the form in this article. For more information and the registration form, click here.
This pilgrimage to Emmitsburg, MD. will include a visit to the Mount St. Mary Seminary, the National Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes, and the National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first American-born saint. Click here for details. Registrations must be received by October 15.
Our 28th annual Golf Classic is on the horizon and we hope many golfers will mark their calendars to participate—September 30th at Mercer Oaks! Brochures are at the doors of the churches and available at the parish office. Join us for a day of fun and a great dinner that follows. Click here for more information, and a link to the Golf Class web page.
Our annual parish picnic to be held in September requires enthusiasm and planning. Please consider being part of our committee to make this year’s picnic a great success! If you are interested in helping to plan the picnic, please contact the parish office and provide your name and contact information.
Mark your calendars now to celebrate the Feast of Saints Joachim and Anne with your grandchildren at the Church of Saint Anthony on Friday, July 26, at 12:15 PM. We ask you to please register if you plan to attend, so we can order the necessary amount of refreshments! Click here for more information.
The Knight to Remember Gala is this Friday, April 19! Have you got your tickets? Sold (or bought) your raffle tickets? Checked out the tricky tray items (this Sunday, April 14 at the OLS Church Hall)? Click here for more information.
The Our Lady of Sorrows School Board and PTA are proud to announce that the annual Knight to Remember (KTR) Gala will be held at the Trenton Country Club on Friday, April 19, 2024. Click here to find out who we'll be honoring this year, and how to purchase tickets for the 50/50 and for the event!
The Sons and Daughters of Erin are sponsoring a St. Patrick's Dinner Dance, to be held at the Nottingham Ballroom on Saturday, March 9, from 3 to 7 PM.
"We all have our highs and lows," and this community wellness talk at the Hamilton Township Library on February 27 from 1:30 to 3:00 PM will address some specifics related to diabetes and high blood pressure. Click here for details on the location and speakers
Click here to see the message from Mrs. Mariyam Francis, OLS-SA Director of Religious Education, thanking all who helped and supported the Religious Education Christmas Play.
Items to be published in the bulletin for the weekend of Nov 25-26 should be submitted no later than Tue., Nov. 14. Please email all bulletin announcements to [email protected] AND to [email protected].
Join us to celebrate with Fr. Alabré his silver jubilee of ordination on November 26, at St. Anthony Church. The celebration will begin with a Mass at 4:00 PM, followed by dinner in the Church Hall. Tickets ($75 each) are available in the Parish Office
Our Lady of Sorrows – St Anthony’s 27th annual Golf Classic, held at Mercer Oaks on Wednesday, September 6, was a tremendous success. We’re grateful to the committee for their outstanding work, which raised $20,550 for the parish. Click here for more information.
The Sanctuary Guild of Our Lady of the Angels Parish is running a day trip to see Daniel at Sight & Sound’s Millenium Theatre on Wednesday, March 20. Click here for more information.
The Legion of Mary is sponsoring a public rosary to be prayed on Saturday, October 7th, at 12 noon at Veteran's Park North Side (across from Steinert High School. Please join us to pray for our country!