The consoling message of the Jesus—the Divine Mercy—is addressed above all to those suffering under a harsh trial or crushed by the burden of sin, who have lost confidence in life, and are tempted to despair. Today’s feast seeks to show them the gentle, merciful face of Christ.
A plenary indulgence (the forgiveness of all temporal punishment for sins that have already been confessed) is granted on the Feast of Divine Mercy. Click here to see the requirements to obtain this indulgence this Sunday, April 16, which is the Feast of Divine Mercy.
Next Sunday, April 24, is the Feast of Divine Mercy. For information on how to receive a plenary indulgence on this day, click the article title. You'll also find a link to more information on the Feast of Divine Mercy and the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Please remember that the graces and Plenary Indulgence attached to Divine Mercy Sunday is obtainable even during this time of Coronavirus. Click the article title to find out how you can obtain the plenary indulgence.
Please remember that the graces and Plenary Indulgence attached to Divine Mercy Sunday is obtainable even during this time of Coronavirus. The homebound should make an Act of Perfect Contrition prior to viewing a televised Mass on that day. At the time of Communion an Act of Spiritual Communion should be prayed. The plenary indulgence should also include a prayer for the Holy Father’s Intentions. A Sacramental Confession should follow as soon as possible, once diocesan and civil restrictions are lifted.
Divine Mercy Sunday this year is celebrated on April 19. Please remember that the graces and Plenary Indulgence attached to Divine Mercy Sunday is obtainable even during this time of Coronavirus. Click on the article title to see the complete information.
This Octave Day or Second Sunday of Easter is also Divine Mercy Sunday. The image of Our Lord, Divine Mercy is displayed in our churches and we encourage everyone to take some time to pray before the sacred image and implore the Lord’s mercy upon our Church, our world and our families.