flesh, given and received is this year’s National Marriage Week theme. Click here for more information, and to find out about special events scheduled in our parish for this week.
This weekend is the kickoff for National Marriage Week (Feb. 7-14) and World Marriage Day (Sunday, Feb. 13). Click the article title for more information.
Just for fun, and in support of marriage, all married couples and their families are invited to take part in our Parish Flash Mob for Marriage! It's not an in-person flash mob, but an easy-to-join phone or tablet flash mob. All you need is a photo. Click the article title for details.
This weekend is the kickoff for celebrating National Marriage Week (Feb. 7-14) and concluding on World Marriage Day (Sunday, Feb.14). The theme for 2021’s celebration of National Marriage Week. Click the article title to find more information on the events and activities in our parish and our diocese.
All married couples and their families are invited to take part in our Parish Flash Mob for Marriage! Click the article title for details on how to participate, and when.
During National Marriage Week, you are invited to participate in a live-streamed nightly rosary, with special reflections for married couples. Click the article title for more information.