Please bring all gifts for the Adopt-a-Child/Family program to the OLS cafeteria on Sunday, December 8 between 1 and 3 PM. Thank you to all who conributed!
Once again you are invited to share your Christmas love and joy with children in need. Click here to find a link to the online sign-up form, or for information on completing and returning a paper form.
Many thanks to all those who, with overwhelming generosity, bought presents and contributed more than $3,000 in gift cards to our annual “Adopt a Family” Christmas project! Click here for more information.
Please bring your wrapped gifts to the school cafeteria this Sunday, December 10, between noon and 2:00 pm. Be sure to have the donation number and the child’s name on each item. Thank you so much for your generosity!
The Social Justice/Social Concerns Committee once again invites you to share your love and your treasures this Christmas with children in need, through the Adopt-a-Family, Adopt-a-Child program. Click here for more information.
Please notify the parish office when your organization or ministry changes leadership. It is important for us to know the correct person to contact regarding 2023-24 facility scheduling. Click here for contact information.
Many thanks to all those who, with overwhelming generosity, bought presents and contributed more than $3,000 in gift cards to our annual "Adopt a Family" Christmas project. You made 269 children from 71 families very happy this Christmas. Special thanks to Teresa Wells, who spearheaded this year's annual outpourting of love and to those who assisted her in any way.
Please drop your wrapped gifts off at the school cafeteria this Sunday (December 11) between noon and 2 PM. Be sure the donation number and the child's name are on each item. Thank you so much for your generosity.
There are still children hoping that an OLS-SA parishioner will be their Santa Claus. If you haven’t “adopted” a child (or a family of children) yet, please consider sharing the joy of the season by participating in our Adopt a Child, Adopt a Family Program. Click here for more information.
The Social Justice/Social Concerns Committee once again invites you to share your love and your treasures this Christmas with children in need. It is easy to sign up, and then you can shop for your "adopted" child or children as you would for your own! Click here for more information and a link to the online form.
It is not too early to be thinking of our charitable work at Christmas. Our long standing and popular “Adopt-aFamily” is in need of a Coordinator. Without someone to generously step forward, we would have to consider an alternative project. Make a child's Christmas merry! Click here for more information.
For many years, our parishioners have brightened the Christmases of area children who might otherwise have had no gifts to open. We want to continue this beautiful tradition, but need a volunteer to coordinate it (training will be provided), and volunteers to provide helping hands. Click here for more information.
Heartfelt thanks go out to the 132 families that "adopted" 312 children this year! The number of gifts that were donated was unbelievable. More than $5,500 in donations was used to help additional children and families in our parish and the community. Special thanks to Kathy McGlinchy, who organizes this annual outpouring of love, and to all those who helped collect and organize the gifts.
The OLS-SA Social Justice Committee once again brings you the Christmas Adopt-a-Child program. You can help a family this Christmas by adopting one or more children for your Christmas shopping list. Click the article title for a link to the page with more information and the request form.
The 2019 Adopt-a-Family program was again a huge success! Gifts for 360 children were donated by 140 parish individuals and families. In addition, numerous parishioners donated more than $3,000 to be used to purchase gifts for additional children. Many thanks to all who donated gifts, money, or gift cards, and to those who helped to collect, sort, and deliver the gifts on Sunday. For details, click the article title.
This Sunday, December 8 is the drop-off for the Adopt-a-Family gifts. Please bring your wrapped gifts to the school cafeteria this Sunday between noon and 2:30 PM. Be sure to have the donation number and the child's name on each item. Thank you so much for your generosity!
There are still children hoping that an OLS-SA parishioner will be their Santa Claus. If you haven’t already “adopted” a child (or a family of children), please consider sharing the joy of the season by participating in our Adopt a Child, Adopt a Family Program. Click the article title for a link to the form.
The 2018 Adopt-a-Family program was again a huge success! Gifts for 342 children were donated by the 124 parish families who participated. In addition, numerous parishioners donated more than $3,500 in cash and gift cards. Thanks to all who helped—committee and donors alike!
The Social Justice/Social Concerns Committee once again invites you to share your love and your treasures this Christmas with children in need, and in so doing, keep alive the memory of Deacon Joe Malloy. Click the article title for more information.