The Children's Liturgy of the Word will be offered at the 11:00 AM Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows Church on November 17, and December 8 & 15. Children in grades K - 4 are invited to join us as we hear God's Word and respond to the Good News of the Gospel.
On Sept. 22, Sept. 29, Oct. 6, and Oct. 20, all children in Grades K-4 are invited to join us as we hear God’s Word and respond to the Good News of the Gospel. Children begin the Mass with their parents, and then are invited to come forward and process together to the Church Hall, where the same Liturgy of the Word is celebrated, but at a more age-accessible level. The children then rejoin their parents for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
The Children's Liturgy of the Word will be offered on April 7, 14, and 21. All children in Grades K-4 are invited to join us as we celebrate the joyful Gospel messages of the Easter season.
The Children's Liturgy of the Word will be offered for children in Grades K-4 on January 7, the Feast of the Epiphany, at the 11:00 AM Mass. All are invited to attend!
Children in grades K-4 are invited to join in the Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 11:00 Mass on the First and Second Sundays of Advent, December 3 and 10. Come celebrate the Word of God and receive your Advent gift!
Our special Liturgy of the Word for Children will be offered at the 11:00 Mass on Sunday, October 15 and Sunday, October 22. For information, click here.
Our special Liturgy of the Word for children in grades K-4 will be offered on January 8 (Epiphany) at the 11:00 Mass. Please join us as we celebrate God's Word!
The Liturgy of the Word for children in grades K - 5 will be offered on December 4 and December 11, at the 11:00 Mass. Please join us as we celebrate God's Word for Advent, and receive your special Advent gift.
Click here for a very informative article on bringing your children to Mass. It's very positive, with some excellent suggestions for parents, especially of young children.
The parish is again offering a special Liturgy of the Word for Children at the 11:00 Mass. The next program in October will be held on October 16 (not 23). The last October program will still take place on October 30.
Starting in October, the parish will offer a special Liturgy of the Word for Children at the 11:00 Mass. Children are invited to come forward after the opening prayer. They process down to the Church Hall to hear and reflect on the readings of the day in age-appropriate language. Then they return at the Offertory to celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist with their families.
Our special Liturgy of the Word for children in grades K-4 will return starting Sunday, October 2, at the 11:00 Mass. Children are invited to come forward after the Opening Prayer and to process with the prayer leaders to the Church Hall. Children return to their families at the Presentation of the Gifts to celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist together. Click here for more information.
Our special Liturgy of the Word for children in grades K-4 begins on September 8 at the 11:00 Mass. Join us as we process downstairs to share God's Word! If you'd like to help out, click the article title for contact information.
The last Children's Liturgy for this school year will be on April 28. Many thanks to all the wonderful children who came to pray and hear God's Word this year, and to our Children's Liturgy team.
There will be no Children's Liturgy of the Word on Sunday, January 27, so that the children may remain upstairs for the celebration of Catholic Schools Week.
The Children's Liturgy of the Word is held in the Church Hall at the 11 am Mass on most Sundays during the school year. On January 6th, prayer leader Marianne Peluso shared the story of the Epiphany with Children’s Liturgy of the Word attendees. Click the article title for pictures, courtesy of Angelo Milioto.
Our special Liturgy of the Word for children in grades 1-5 begins on September 23 at the 11:00 Mass. Join us as we process downstairs to share God's Word! If you have questions or are an adult who might be interested in helping, please contact Anne (586-6596; [email protected]).