This year's summer projects cost a total of $359,309, which was paid for by a combination of sources, including this year's donations, last year's donations, and the parish savings. Our thanks go out to all the generous benefactors who made this work possible!
Our annual Summer Project is again underway. Registered parishioners should have received a brochure and offering envelope. I hope that you will review the information and support the work we hope to undertake this summer to maintain and upgrade our church campuses and make them even safer. Click here for more information.
The Most Reverend Bishop has granted his permission for the parish to replace the Air Conditioning Units at St. Anthony Church. The current units have been in use for over thirty years and are beyond their “life cycle.” Moreover, needed materials and parts for their extended use are no longer available. Click here for more information
An update to the Capital Improvements page shows the status and funding of various projects undertaken and scheduled from July through October of 2023. Click here for a link to the page.
Thanks to everyone who generously contributed to our Summer Project. Your support is especially gratifying considering the financial burdens we are experiencing with high inflation. Our appeal officially ended on September 1, but gifts are still welcome over the next couple weeks.
Thanks to all our donors to the Summer Project! Our appeal runs through September 1. If you have not made a gift, please prayerfully consider doing so. Click here for more information.
Our annual Summer Project is again underway. Registered parishioners should have received a brochure and offering envelope (click here if you have not received one). You have always made a generous response to this summer appeal. We are most grateful for your support, especially when increasing inflation has impacted every household.
we will be starting a garden of native plants in front of our school that will beautify the entrance to the school, attract native pollinators (including monarch butterflies), and offer educational opportunities to our young people. Click the article title for more information, and how you can help.
Thanks to everyone who generously contributed to our Summer Project. Your support is especially gratifying considering the financial burdens we are experiencing with high inflation. Our appeal officially ended on September 1, but gifts are still welcome over the next couple weeks.
Our 2022 Summer Project Appeal concludes on September 1. Thanks to all who have contributed. If you have not yet made a gift, please consider doing so!
By now you should have received our Summer Project brochure and offering envelope. I hope that you will support the work we hope to undertake this summer to maintain our church campuses. I am most grateful for your support, especially when increasing inflation has impacted every household.
Our annual Summer Project resumes this year after a COVID year respite. Registered parishioners will soon receive a brochure and offering envelope. I hope that you will review the information and support the work we hope to undertake this summer to maintain our church campuses. I am most grateful for your support, especially when increasing inflation has impacted every household.
Our statue of St. Anthony, co-patron of our parish, has seen its day, and is now looking quite worn and scruffy. Anyone who would like to help us replace this statue, especially those who are named after St. Anthony, are encouraged to contact the parish office. Click the article title to see a photo of the statue we'd like to purchase.
I am so very grateful to all those who contributed to this year’s Summer Project. As you may recall we are looking to a two-year plan that would involve replacing the school boiler at Our Lady of Sorrows and the Air Condition units at St. Anthony Church. For more information on the status of the updates, click the article title.
Over the last eight years, our annual summer project has proven to be a great help to maintaining the two campuses of our parish. This year our project goal is different in that we are proposing a “two-year plan” since we are eyeing two necessary and rather costly upgrades: the replacement of the school boiler and the air conditioning units of St. Anthony Church. Click the article title for more information.