On October 4, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the annual Blessing of the Pets was held in the OLS-SA pollinator garden in front of the OLS School, now named Mary's Meadow of Grace. The garden received a Monarch Waystation certification from Monarch Watch (monarchwatch.org) for providing habitat for Monarchs. Click here for photos and more information.
During the next two weekends, our Ushers will be taking “attendance” at all Masses as part of our annual “October Count.” These figures will be sent to the diocesan Office of Pastoral Planning. We trust that the counting will not be too much of a distraction to your prayer.
Important! Please note! The annual October Count will be taken on the weekends of October 14-15 and 21-22. These statistics are mandated by the diocese and are useful for diocesan and parish planning.
Although the COVID-19’s Delta variant is still keeping the number of Mass attendees below normal, we will complete our annual “October count” this weekend (October 22-23). These statistics are mandated by the Diocese and are useful for diocesan and parish planning
Although the COVID-19’s Delta variant is still keeping the number of Mass attendees below normal, we will do our annual “October count” on the weekends of October 15-16 and 22-23. These statistics are mandated by the Diocese and are useful for diocesan and parish planning.
Many thanks to all who contributed to the drive to replace the statue of Saint Patrick. Our beautiful new statue has arrived at St Anthony. It will be blessed at the 4 PM Mass on July 30. Please join us on this happy occasion.
With Saint Patrick’s Day on the horizon, it seems most appropriate to propose that our parish acquire a new statue of the Patron of Ireland. Like the Statue of Saint Anthony that has been recently replaced, the statue of St. Patrick has undergone a number of face-lifts and repairs. Would this not be the time to replace the statue? It would certainly compliment the statue of St. Anthony—being of hand carved Lindenwood.
Although the COVID-19’s Delta variant is still keeping the number of Mass attendees below normal, we will do our annual “October count” on the weekends of October 16-17 and 23-24. These statistics are mandated by the Diocese and are useful for diocesan and parish planning.
Now that Blessed Carlo Acutis is the co-patron of our school, it's time to get to know him. He was a young millennial, who loved Jesus and brought others to the faith, even though he died at age 15! Click the article title for a link to a page with more information about him.
Although the circumstances this year are unusual, we will be doing our annual “October count” of Mass attendance this month. These statistics are mandated by the Diocese and are useful for diocesan and parish planning.
In commemoration of the 15th anniversary of the parish’s foundation, Msgr. Gervasio commissioned the Rev. Matthew Mauriello of the Diocese of Bridgeport and a skilled calligrapher to design a parish crest or coat of arms. It will serve as a symbol of our parish and will be used on parish letterhead and other documents. Click the article title to find a link to a description of the new parish logo.
Our staff is preparing our annual parish report that will include a financial accounting for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2019; sacramental and census statistics for 2019; as well as expanded information on our parish school operations. Keep your eye on the parish website and future bulletins for this information.
At all Masses this weekend (October 26-27), we shall be recording attendance. These statistics are mandated by the Diocese and are useful for diocesan and parish planning. The ushers will be “counting” during the first reading. I know that they will be careful not to be too distracting to the assembly.
At all Masses during the next two weekends (October 20-21 & 27-28), we shall be recording attendance. These statistics are mandated by the Diocese and are useful for diocesan and parish planning.