For February--the sick and homebound. The sufferings of the sick, at home or in the hospital…can be allayed by the closeness and affection of those who visit them, and those who care for them. WE must be grateful for their care and concern for the sick and the most vulnerable. Please keep the sick, the homebound, and healthcare workers in your prayers.
During January, 28 parishioners provided 176 hours of service to 29 persons. Caring Hearts volunteers provide a variety of non-medical services to our homebound elderly and disabled neighbors. Click here for more information on the services provided and how to sign up.
Our parish is in great need of Eucharistic Ministers to visit our homebound brothers and sisters, as well as our neighboring nursing homes. The Eucharistic ministry to the homebound and to those in nursing homes is a rewarding ministry. Click here for more information.
Feeding the hungry never ceases to be important. Food pantries always need staples such as peanut butter, jelly, cereal, soup, pasta, pasta sauce, and canned vegetables, but any nonperishables you can donate to Mt Carmel Guild or St Raphael’s Food Pantry are greatly appreciated. Just place them in the receptacles at the doors of our churches.
The Respect Life Ministry of OLS-SA is hosting a group rosary at an online Zoom conference every Wednesday evening at 6:45 PM. We invite everyone to join us in praying this rosary as a group for the express intention of an end to abortion. Click the article title for contact information and details.
Our Tuition Assistance Fund is a wonderful way to ensure that our students receive an excellent spiritual and academic information that lasts a lifetime! Click here to find out how you can help in the formation of the next generation.
The first sign of hope should be the desire for peace in our world, which once more finds itself immersed in the tragedy of war…Is it too much to dream that arms can fall silent and cease to rain down destruction and death? May diplomacy be tireless in its commitment to seek…lasting peace.
On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court legalized abortion throughout the United States. Although the Dobbs v. Jackson decision by the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, it left the decision on abortion to the states, and our state of New Jersey is one of those which are hostile to unborn children. Our prayer and advocacy are still very needed. Click here for more information.
The Diocese of Metuchen is hosting a weekend retreat for couples experiencing problems in their marriage on February 28-March 2. Click here for contact information. All inquiries are confidential.
As we come to the close of the Christmas Season, we offer our thanks to all who helped to make our celebration of these holy days so edifying--liturgical ministers, musicians, choirs, cantors, liturgy committee, decorators, office, and maintenance staff. Our parish is indeed blessed by your dedication and generosity.
Our parish family bids an affectionate and grateful farewell to Kevin and Barbara Dohrenwend as they set out for the beautiful Commonwealth of Virginia. May God’s loving kindness ever go with them!
During December, 31 parishioners provided 163.5 hours of service to 34 persons. Click here to find out more about what services are provided, and how to sign up as either a care giver or a care receiver.
If your soul needs light, peace and hope, this program is for you. Pope Francis’ writings give witness to the depth of his understanding of world issues and Ignatian Spirituality for today.
The Marianist Family Retreat Center in Cape May Point, NJ, is holding a retreat for Young people of college age (you don't have to actually be in college). Click here for more information.
All are invited to participate in the Mass for Life and Life Expo on Friday, January 24, 2025, at 11:00 AM at the Co-Cathedral of St. Robert Bellarmine, Freehold. Click here for details.
This retreat morning is offered by the Francis House of Prayer, the Trenton Diocesan Spiritual Center and Retreat House, on Monday, December 16. Click here for more information.