Our Lady of Sorrows School is pleased to offer Gertrude Hawk Chocolates for Easter! The sale begins February 10th and will run through March 10th. Orders will be delivered to the school the week of April 7th. Click here for more information.
Our Tuition Assistance Fund is a wonderful way to ensure that our students receive an excellent spiritual and academic formation that last a lifetime! Please consider contributing to this worthy cause by including a gift marked “Tuition Assistance Fund” in the weekly collection or by mailing your gift to the parish office.
Our Tuition Assistance Fund is a wonderful way to ensure that our students receive an excellent spiritual and academic information that lasts a lifetime! Click here to find out how you can help in the formation of the next generation.
We thank all those who generously contribute to our parish tuition assistance fund throughout the year, over and above their weekly giving. This fund provides the help families need to provide a Catholic education to their children. For more information, click here.
The OLS PTA Will be running their Cash Calendar for the School starting January 2025 and it will run through June 2025. Click here for more information.
Our Lady of Sorrows School invites you to bring your kids for breakfast with Santa, on December 8, from 9:30 to 11:30 AM. The cost is $5 per person, and you can register using the form in this article. For more information and the registration form, click here.
Notre Dame HIgh School President, Ken Jennings is hosting a series of engaging speakers, beginning with Bishop O'Connell's lecture on "Raising Catholic Kids in our Modern Age." The lecture will be followed by a moderated discussion with Bishop O'Connell and Dr. Ana Samuel, research scholar and current ND parent. Click here for more information, and to register.
Have you always wanted a real painting? For Christmas decor? Join us on Friday December 6, from 7 to 9 PM in the school cafeteria to paint your own Christmas painting! All supplies and simple step-by-step instructions will be provided! Click here for details.
Our Lady of Sorrows School is partnering with A&M for our Thanksgiving fundraiser, and is offering a variety of cakes, pies, cheesecakes, rolls, and donuts to compliment your Thanksgiving dinner. Please take home a flyer, or pick one up at the school office.
We thank all those who generously contribute to our school tuition assistance fund throughout the year, over and above their weekly giving. This fund provides the help families need to provide a Catholic education to their children. This year, $12,000 in assistance was provided to seven families. Click here to see a letter we received from a grateful family recently.
The Knight to Remember Gala is this Friday, April 19! Have you got your tickets? Sold (or bought) your raffle tickets? Checked out the tricky tray items (this Sunday, April 14 at the OLS Church Hall)? Click here for more information.
The plants and bugs are starting to emerge in the garden as our visit there on March 8th confirmed. Click here for a more detailed update on the Pollinator Garden.
The Our Lady of Sorrows School Board and PTA are proud to announce that the annual Knight to Remember (KTR) Gala will be held at the Trenton Country Club on Friday, April 19, 2024. Click here to find out who we'll be honoring this year, and how to purchase tickets for the 50/50 and for the event!