The Respect Life Ministry of OLS-SA is hosting a group rosary at an online Zoom conference every Wednesday evening at 6:45 PM. We invite everyone to join us in praying this rosary as a group for the express intention of an end to abortion. Click the article title for contact information and details.
On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court legalized abortion throughout the United States. Although the Dobbs v. Jackson decision by the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, it left the decision on abortion to the states, and our state of New Jersey is one of those which are hostile to unborn children. Our prayer and advocacy are still very needed. Click here for more information.
The Knights of Columbus Councils of St. Gregory the Great and St. Anthony of Padua Parishes are sponsoring a bus trip to the nation’s capital Washington, D.C. on Friday, January 24, 2025. Click here for details.
All are invited to participate in the Mass for Life and Life Expo on Friday, January 24, 2025, at 11:00 AM at the Co-Cathedral of St. Robert Bellarmine, Freehold. Click here for details.
The Respect Life Ministry would like to thank parishioners for their generous support of the recent sale of New Jersey Right to Life raffle tickets. OLS-SA parishioners purchased 215 tickets, contributing nearly $2,200 to support NJRTL with their on-going Pro Life efforts here in New Jersey.
Tickets benefiting New Jersey Right to Life are available in the parish office until Wednesday, November 6, for $10/ticket. The drawing will be held on November 22, 2024.
Pro-woman IS pro-life, and pro-life IS pro-woman. The idea that abortion empowers women is one of many lies in society that are, in reality, incredibly harmful to women. Abortion advocates perpetuate the myth that women must do violence to themselves in order to preserve their equality and the freedom to advance in the world. Click here to see an abridged article by Kimberly Baker from the USCCB website.
October is a time to proclaim and live the Gospel of Life! Join us on Thursdays for special prayers for life, held before the Lord of Life, Jesus, exposed in the Blessed Sacrament. Click here for details.
Our Respect Life representatives will be selling raffle tickets benefiting the New Jersey Right to Life after all Masses at Our Lady of Sorrows on October 26, and after all Masses at St. Anthony on November 2. Raffle tickets are $10 each.
In centuries past, the cross of terminal illness was seen as an opportunity to be compassionate to the sick and for "offering up" of suffering for the good of others by the sick. There is a process of "letting go" and entrustment to God by everyone that needs to happen, a process that must not be short-circuited by euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide. Click here for more information on end-of -life care.
Given the scientific fact that a human life begins at conception, the only moral norm needed to understand the Church's opposition to abortion is the principle that each and every human life has inherent dignity, and thus must be treated with the respect due to a human person. Click here for more information and a link to follow for even more details.
May is Mary's month. Please pray the Rosary daily, not only in May, but every month. Although we honor Our Blessed Mother especially during May and October, our world today needs her more than ever!
As we approach the month of May, a time we honor our heavenly and earthly mothers, let us remember to keep in prayer unborn children and their mothers. One way we can do this is by spiritually adopting a mother and child. It's not hard--just a short prayer every day for a child and his or her mother. Click here for more information.
The Hamilton Knights of Columbus Council 6213 will be collecting donations for our Pro Life Charities at both churches on Mother’s Day Weekend (May 11 &1). Please be generous, as these donations help both mother and child!
St. Gregory the Great is hosting Dr. R. J. Snell to speak about the Challenges and Dangers of Losing Our Religious Freedom in the United States. We will examine some of the history of religious freedom before discussing the discouraging signs in the current situation. Click here for more information.
You can spiritually adopt an unborn child, by offering a daily prayer for the particular, but unknown, child and his or her mother. If you have not already done so, please pick up a pledge card this week! For more details, click here.
The psychological and spiritual wounds of abortion can be sharp, deep, and crippling. You do not have to continue to hide in shame and fear. Rachel’s Vineyard’s Retreat is designed to help both women and men experience the mercy and compassion of God. Click here for more information. And yes, God still loves you!