The Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption invites you to a Mass for Life at 9:30 AM on Saturday, June 24. Mass will conclude in time to walk to the 11 AM Rally for Life at the Statehouse Annex in Trenton. A peaceful March will follow the rally at 1 PM.
A recently issued mandate from the State of NJ will force private health insurance plans to cover elective abortions. In addition, the State has provided a $5 million taxpayer-funded grant to "expand the pool of abortion providers". For more information, and a link to respond, click here.
Click here to see how the governor is spending your tax dollars to support Planned Parenthood, abortion facilities, and other abortion "needs". Why can't they spend this money to support crisis pregnancy centers that provide the support women need to choose life?
The HHS is proposing a new rule that would prevent Catholic hospitals, clinics, assisted living facilities and health care workers from carrying out their mission. We have until October 3 to voice our objections to this proposed rule. Act now! Click here for more details and a link you can use that makes it easy to speak out.
The number of abortions in the United States each year is appalling, and New Jersey has more than its fair share of them. Click here for more information.
Confusion and misinformation surrounds the recent decision of the Supreme Court that overturned the Roe vs. Wade decision of 1973. This is part 3 of a series of five points that can help make the ruling understandable. Click the article title for details.
While New Jersey had already enshrined the right to an abortion into State Law in anticipation of the US Supreme Court ruling, the Governor last Friday signed into law two bills, supported by our district legislators, that expand abortion services even further in our State. Click the article title for more information.
This week's myth is that most pro-lifers are religious zealots, trying to foist their morality on others. Click the article title to find the response.
Please join our parish Respect Life Group to help us raise awareness of pro-life issues within both our parish and the wider community. Every baby in the womb is a human life, made in the image and likeness of God, given life by God. What God has given, man should not take away!
On May 14, the Catholic Bishops of New Jersey expressed their sadness and outrage to the Governor’s announcement to support a proposal to radically expanded access of abortion. The bishops reaffirmed the Church’s commitment to serve and stand by all mothers facing a hardship or unplanned pregnancy. More information will be provided on how to oppose this bill in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, click the article title to see some of what the bill would include.
The Respect Life Group of Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony is looking for people who want to join us in activities that promote life. We’d like to make it easier for women to choose to have their babies, but to do this, we need your help! Click the article title for more information!
There is a bill currently before the state legislature that would permit abortions for any reason for all nine months of pregnancy, eliminate conscience protections for medical professionals, require taxpayers to pay for the abortions whether or not they have moral objections, and prohibit the adoption of future laws that conflict with any provision of this bill. Please click the article title to find and use the link to make your objection to this bill known to your legislators.
Are you on the fence about assisted suicide? Do you think perhaps it is a considerate and sympathetic choice for those in pain? If so, you might want to rethink when you see the numbers. Click the article title for more information.
Congress is trying to force Americans to pay for abortion with their taxes by removing the Hyde Amendment from appropriations bills. Historically, the Hyde Amendment and similar laws have protected taxpayers from funding abortions, with bi-partisan support, for many years. Make your voice heard. Sign the petition, call your representative, send email or regular mail--speak up! Now is the time to defend your religious freedom and the right to life.
If you have questions about the Hyde Amendment--what it is, why it's necessary, why it's not "forcing our views on others", check out the materials on the website link you'll find in this article.
Speak up to defend LIFE! Last November, our Bishop warned us of the dangers posed by the “Reproductive Freedom Act.” (S3030 / A4848). NJ Right to Life has indicated that this appalling bill is getting closer to a hearing and vote. Click the article title to find links where you can make your voice heard.