During January, 28 parishioners provided 176 hours of service to 29 persons. Caring Hearts volunteers provide a variety of non-medical services to our homebound elderly and disabled neighbors. Click here for more information on the services provided and how to sign up.
Feeding the hungry never ceases to be important. Food pantries always need staples such as peanut butter, jelly, cereal, soup, pasta, pasta sauce, and canned vegetables, but any nonperishables you can donate to Mt Carmel Guild or St Raphael’s Food Pantry are greatly appreciated. Just place them in the receptacles at the doors of our churches.
Our Tuition Assistance Fund is a wonderful way to ensure that our students receive an excellent spiritual and academic information that lasts a lifetime! Click here to find out how you can help in the formation of the next generation.
Our intensive summer program (an alternative to year-round weekly classes) is back by popular demand. This year we are happy to announce that the program will include those students from Grades 1 & 2 and 7 & 8 preparing for the sacraments. Click here for more information.
Inauguration Day falls on the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., advocate for social justice, assassinated in 1968 at the age of thirty nine. His preaching and peaceful activism helped our nation turn away from racism and violence. As we honor his witness, let us pray that within our nation and throughout the world, every division may be removed, and that justice, equality and peace may flourish.
The first sign of hope should be the desire for peace in our world, which once more finds itself immersed in the tragedy of war…Is it too much to dream that arms can fall silent and cease to rain down destruction and death? May diplomacy be tireless in its commitment to seek…lasting peace.
Our parish family bids an affectionate and grateful farewell to Kevin and Barbara Dohrenwend as they set out for the beautiful Commonwealth of Virginia. May God’s loving kindness ever go with them!
We thank all those who generously contribute to our parish tuition assistance fund throughout the year, over and above their weekly giving. This fund provides the help families need to provide a Catholic education to their children. For more information, click here.
All are invited to participate in the Mass for Life and Life Expo on Friday, January 24, 2025, at 11:00 AM at the Co-Cathedral of St. Robert Bellarmine, Freehold. Click here for details.
Our Lady of Sorrows – St Anthony’s 28th annual Golf Classic, held at Mercer Oaks on Monday, September 30th, was a tremendous success. Click here to find the winners, the total amount raised for the parish, and a list of the committee member who made this possible!
As we celebrate the season of Advent, a time to anticipate the birth of Christ, the Light of the World, our parish continues its tradition of inviting families to carry the lighted Advent candle in procession at the beginning of each week-end Mass. Click here to find out how YOU can participate in this lovely tradition.
The OLS handbell choir is looking for a “ringer”. No previous handbell ringing experience is requited. However, basic musical knowledge is necessary. Click here for more information.
The Youth Choir of St. Ann Church in Lawrenceville, NJ will be presenting their Annual "Christmas Concert" on Sunday, December 15th beginning at 3:00 PM in the Church. The concert is free and open to the public.
Please bring all gifts for the Adopt-a-Child/Family program to the OLS cafeteria on Sunday, December 8 between 1 and 3 PM. Thank you to all who conributed!
During October, 31 parishioners provided 165.5 hours of service to 27 persons. If you are interested in giving non-medical services to our homebound neighbors. or if you need such services, click here for contact information.