A Bereavement Support Group for those who have lost a loved one will be held at Our Lady of Sorrows this summer. Through a series of reflections, combined with writing and sharing, and suitable for groups or individuals, The New Day Journal follows a nine-week program that helps people accept the reality of their loss, experience the pain of grief, and adjust to life without their loved one. Click here for more information, including the dates and times of the sessions, and how to register.
Click here to see a list of upcoming programs offered at the San Alfonso Retreat House, the Marianist Family Retreat Center, the CYO, and the Francis House of Prayer.
The month of November is dedicated to prayer for the faithful departed. During this month the names of our beloved deceased, indicated on the envelopes you have returned, will be placed upon the altars of our churches. There they will remain for prayerful remembrance.
This summer a support group for those who have lost a loved one will be held at Our Lady of Sorrows Church. The sessions will be on Thursday mornings at 10:30 AM in the Church Meeting Room beginning on July 7 and ending on September 1. Click the article title for more information.
Intentions for masses, tabernacle lamps, and flowers may now be requested for 2022. Until the book is officially open, arrangements can be made using the forms available on the website or in the bulletin. Click the article title for more information, and links to the forms.
Are you feeling the stress of caring for a loved one with a chronic illness? You are not alone. We know that caregiving can be stressful. This program will teach stress management techniques, and relaxation and coping strategies. The program is available at no cost. Click the article title for details.
Beginning November 11, a Bereavement Program that will run for 9 consecutive Mondays from 10 to 11 am will take place at Our Lady of Sorrows. Watch here for details.
The month of November is dedicated to prayer for the faithful departed. During this month the names of our beloved deceased, indicated on the envelopes you have returned, will be placed upon the altars of our churches. There they will remain for prayerful remembrance. Click the article title for additional information on leaving a photo of your beloved deceased to display by the Statue and Altar of the Blessed Mother.
Our parish will remember and pray for the deceased of the past year at a special Mass to be celebrated at Our Lady of Sorrows Church on Saturday, November 2, at 10:30 a.m. Let us pray also for their families and friends. All are welcome!
Are you grieving? Are you blaming God for your loss? Do you want to know if this grief is normal? Look on the Grief Support page under Worship & Liturgy > Funerals for information on the stages of grief, some simple things you can do to help you get through it, and contact information for local grief support groups. You can get help.
Were you wondering if the Catholic Church allows cremation, or if Catholic funerals are allowed for a victim of suicide? Do you want to know what is possible for lapsed Catholics? You’ll find the answers to these and other questions on the Worship & Liturgy > Funerals > Common Questions page.
Please remember to return your All Souls Remembrance envelope. These, with the names of your beloved deceased, will be placed upon our altar through November in prayerful remembrance at all Masses. You are also invited to place a framed photo at the shrines of Our Lady in our churches.
A special All Soul's Day Mass will be offered at St. Mary's Cemetery & Mausoleum on Friday, November 2, at 10:00 AM. Click the article title for details.
October 15 is Infant Loss Awareness Day. A Mass of Healing for Infant & Pregnancy Loss will be celebrated at St. Gregory the Great Church, at 7 PM on October 12, for those whose families have suffered the loss of an infant through miscarriage, stillbirth, or regretted abortion, and those who have journeyed with their child through a fatal illness. Please invite anyone you believe can benefit from this healing Mass.
Have you lost a loved one? Would you like someone to help you deal with the pain and grief of your loss? Deacon Jeff Pierfy has fifteen years experience counseling the bereaved. If you are interested in meeting with Deacon Pierfy, please call the parish office.
For those saddened by the recent loss of a loved one, sharing thoughts, feelings, and experiences is a most helpful way to get beyond the pain or loneliness caused by the death of a loved one. For information on a series of weekly meetings to help with moving on with life, click the article title.
The 9th Annual Hearts of Remembrance Family Retreat Day is a free, one-day bereavement support camp designed for children and families who have experienced the death of a loved one. Families will have the opportunity to enjoy a day filled with meaningful, uplifting activities and positive reflection. For more information, click the article title.