This pilgrimage to Emmitsburg, MD. will include a visit to the Mount St. Mary Seminary, the National Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes, and the National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first American-born saint. Click here for details. Registrations must be received by October 15.
Mark your calendars now to celebrate the Feast of Saints Joachim and Anne with your grandchildren at the Church of Saint Anthony on Friday, July 26, at 12:15 PM. We ask you to please register if you plan to attend, so we can order the necessary amount of refreshments! Click here for more information.
Next weekend we'll be celebrating our patronal feast, the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua, as well as Father's Day, and Fr. Jean Felicien's 10th Anniversary of ordination. Click here to find more information,
During the month of May, let us emulate Mary, who brought to her prayer that attitude of heart, mind, and being that says, ‘Speak, Lord your servant is listening.’ (1 Sam 3:10) Click here to see more of this meditation on Our Blessed Mother.
If you are in search of films that will lift your spirit and strengthen your faith, you might view these four films that reflect the courage of two priests, a woman religious, and a young boy. Click here for more information on the films and where you can find them.
Mark your calendars to join us at Our Lady of Sorrows Church for Mass celebrating the Solemnity of St. Joseph. Mass will be followed by the blessing of St. Joseph's Table, in the Church Hall.
A warm welcome is extended to all those attending this year’s Irish Unity Mass, which will be celebrated at the Church of Saint Anthony (626 South Olden Avenue in Hamilton), at 10 am on Saturday, March 2.
We shall be honoring the co-patron of our parish at all Masses the weekend of June 17-18. While the actual feast day is Tuesday, June 13, liturgical law permits that a patronal feast may be observed on the nearest weekend. The usual weekday Masses will be celebrated on June 13.
This Monday, May 22, we will celebrate the Feast of St. Rita of Cascia, patron of Christian mothers and "Saint of the Impossible." The morning Masses will include the traditional blessing & distribution of roses in honor of St. Rita. To find out why roses are associated with St. Rita, check out the page on St. Rita of Cascia on this website (click here for the link).
Bishop O'Connell has granted a dispensation from the obligation to abstain from meat on Friday, March 17th, in honor of St. Patrick's Day. However, those who take advantage of the dispensation are asked to transfer the Friday abstinence obligation to another day, or to perform a work of charity or some other exercise of piety to fulfill the spirit of the obligation.
A warm welcome is extended to all those attending this year's Irish Unity Mass, which will be celebrated at St. Anthony Church at 10 AM on Saturday, March 4.
If you'd like to know more about women and their impact on the Catholic Church, click here to find out about a special presentation on "The Women Who Shaped the Church", at the Notre Dame Student Center on February 24.
The traditional blessing of throats will take place after the 7:00 and 9:00 AM Masses this Friday, February 3, the Memorial of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr.
Beginning on January 1, 2023, our parish will begin to recite the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel before the Sunday Masses. You'll find the prayer on the back cover of the Missalette, and the prayer will be lead by the lector or cantor immediately after the Welcome, before the entrance procession and hymn. Click here for more information.