Thank you to all who contributed to the Mount Carmel Guild Thanksgiving Food Drive. Your generosity to the needy of our area is astounding. Click here for a report on this holiday appeal.
Deacon Richard Ferreira, Director of Community Support for Mount Carmel Guild, sent OLS-SA parishioners a note of gratitude for their generous donations during Thanksgiving time. Over 853 households—2,753 adults, seniors, and children—were served.
Please notify the parish office when your organization or ministry changes leadership. It is important for us to know the correct person to contact regarding 2023-24 facility scheduling. Click here for contact information.
If you would like to make this Thanksgiving special for the needy of the Greater Trenton Area, the Mt. Carmel Guild invites us to provide various kinds of donations. Click here for more information and updated times and locations for drop-off.
Mt. Carmel Guild invites us to provide various donations to make this Thanksgiving special for the needy of the Greater Trenton area. Please bring your donations to the Rectory garage at Our Lady of Sorrows Church on Saturday, November 5, between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM. For more information, click here.
Our parish Social Justice/Social Concerns Committee will again be collecting frozen turkeys and non-perishable items to fill Thanksgiving baskets those who are in need.
We want to thank you for supporting Mt Carmel Guild and enabling us to serve our community for the past 100 years. Today, we invite you to become a Mission Member to help us serve those in need: body, mind and spirit. We must increase the Guild’s sustainability as we serve over 1,700 individuals each month, with much higher numbers during the holiday season. Click the article title for details.
Many thanks to all who contributed to our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. More than 100 turkeys and hams, 195 bags of food, and $1,440 in gift card and monetary donations were collected. Click the article title for more information!
Our parish Social Justice/Social Concerns Committee will again be collecting frozen turkeys and non-perishable items to fill Thanksgiving baskets those who are in need. We ask you to bring food for a Thanksgiving Day meal, such as frozen turkeys, potatoes, vegetables, stuffing, gravy mix, and dessert. Click the article title for more information.
Many thanks to all who contributed to our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive, and to those who so ably organized it! Ninety-six turkeys, 220 bags of food, and $1,250 in gift card and monetary donations were collected. Click the article title for more information.
Our parish Social Justice/Social Concerns Committee will again be collecting frozen turkeys and non-perishable items to fill Thanksgiving baskets those who are in need. Please bring your donations to the concrete storage shed in the back parking lot at St. Anthony’s Church and to the Rectory garage at Our Lady of Sorrows Church at all Masses on the weekend of November 17-18. Click the article title for more information.
To all who donated to our Thanksgiving Food Drive. We collected 100 turkeys, 275 bags of food, and $1,460 in gift card and monetary donations. Food was delivered to Mt. Carmel Guild, Better Community Housing of Trenton, and parish families.
The parish food drive for Thanksgiving baskets will be held on Saturday and Sunday, November 18 & 19. Drop off your donations by the garages in the parking lots at Our Lady of Sorrows and St. Anthony Churches before and after all Masses on those dates. Click the article title more information and a link to a list of items needed.