Corporate Sunday is December 1 at the 8:00 AM Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows. All parishioners are invited to join us after Mass when we pray the rosary. The monthly meeting is Dec 2 at 7:00 in OLS Church Meeting Room. We will be having an Advent Service prior to the business meeting.
During the month of May, let us emulate Mary, who brought to her prayer that attitude of heart, mind, and being that says, ‘Speak, Lord your servant is listening.’ (1 Sam 3:10) Click here to see more of this meditation on Our Blessed Mother.
May is Mary's month. Please pray the Rosary daily, not only in May, but every month. Although we honor Our Blessed Mother especially during May and October, our world today needs her more than ever!
The Respect Life Ministry of OLS-SA is hosting a group rosary at an online Zoom conference every Wednesday evening at 6:45 PM. We invite everyone to join us in praying this rosary as a group for the express intention of an end to abortion. Click the article title for contact information and details.
The Rosary Altar Society is conducting its Annual Palm Cross Sale, the proceeds of which benefit Our Lady of Sorrows-St. Anthony Parish. The cross is approximately 12” x 20” and made of looped palms on a wooden cross and mounted on a stake which males a suitable adnornment for the cementary or garden. Click here for more details.
The happiness you are seeking, the happiness you have the right to enjoy, has a name and a face: it is Jesus of Nazareth, hidden in the Eucharist. - Benedict XVI
The Rosary Altar Prayer Shawl group will meet on Monday, February 12, at 1:00 PM in the Church Meeting Room at Our Lady of Sorrows. If you would like to make or have made prayer shawls, or would like to donate yarn, please join us! Click here for details.
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins this Thursday, January 18. It is an observance that has been held annually for over a century. Click here for more information.