Please note that the parish office will be closed on Monday, November 11th, in observance of Veterans' Day. The office will reopen at the usual time on Tuesday, November 12.
We regret to inform you that the elevator at St. Anthony Church is temporarily out of order. We have ordered the necessary part, but we don't know how long it will take to come in. We encourage you to go to Our Lady of Sorrows Church in the meantime, as the elevator there IS working, and we apologize for the inconvenience. Mass times at Our Lady of Sorrows Church are at 5:00 PM on Saturday, and 8:00 and 11:00 AM on Sunday. Confessions at Our Lady of Sorrows are after the 9:00 AM Saturday Mass.
During the next two weekends, our Ushers will be taking “attendance” at all Masses as part of our annual “October Count.” These figures will be sent to the diocesan Office of Pastoral Planning. We trust that the counting will not be too much of a distraction to your prayer.
The parish office will be closed on Monday, October 14, in commemoration of Columbus Day. The office will reopen on Tuesday, October 15 at the usual time.
Philip Carlini, our Director of Maintenance for the past twenty two years has decided to retire. Our parish owes “Phil” a great debt of gratitude for his conscientious labors.May the Lord bless him with good health and show him many evidences of his love as he begins a new chapter on life’s journey! Click here for more information.
In observance of the Labor Day holiday, the parish and school offices will be closed on Monday, Sept 2. Our Mass that day will be celebrated at 9:00 AM only. Please join us!
Deacon Alan Bridges concludes his summer assignment in our parish this weekend. He will soon return to Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, MD to complete his final year of theological studies in preparation for Ordination to the Sacred Priesthood. We offer our thanks to Deacon Alan for giving so much of himself to us over these weeks, and we hope that he will return to us when the seminary is in recess for holidays during the academic year.
Fr. James Smith, who served at our parish the year prior to his ordination, will be installed by Bishop David M O’Connell as Pastor of St Isaac Jogues Parish (Marlton) next Sunday, June 30, at 11 am. We congratulate him and wish him many years of happiness.
Our celebration of Pentecost takes on the added joy of witnessing the beginning of the diaconal ministry of Nelson Abreu. Completing five years of academic and spiritual formation, he makes his generous “Yes” to the Lord. He will be assisting at the 4:00 pm and 11:00 am Masses. Let us support him with our fervent prayer asking the Lord to make his ministry fruitful.
Among those being ordained next weekend will be Alan Bridges, our diocesan seminarian and student of Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, MD. Alan will be ordained as “transitional deacon” i.e., one on the path to priestly ordination next year. We are delighted that Bishop O’Connell has chosen to assign Deacon Bridges to our parish for this transitional year.
We are very pleased to announce that our parish has received its share in the funds raised through the 2023 diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal. Having slightly surpassed our goal of $100,000, we have received a check in the amount of $20,138 for our own parish needs. Thanks again to all our donors!
Please note that the parish office will be closed on Monday, January 15, in observance of Martin Luther King Day. The office will reopen at 9:00 AM on Tuesday, January 16.