All Souls Day is on Saturday, November 2. While not a holy day of obligation, it is good to remember those we love who have gone before us. Let us gather at Mass to commend to the Lord our departed loved ones at the regular Saturday morning Mass (9:00 AM) or at the special Mass for the departed of the last year at 10:30 AM. Click here for more information.
The Rosary Altar Society is conducting its Annual Palm Cross Sale, the proceeds of which benefit Our Lady of Sorrows-St. Anthony Parish. The cross is approximately 12” x 20” and made of looped palms on a wooden cross and mounted on a stake which males a suitable adnornment for the cementary or garden. Click here for more details.
...a Funeral Service but not a Funeral Mass. To see a reflection on this troubling trend, and the reasons why having a Funeral Mass is the better choice, click here.
The 2024 Mass Books open on July 19. See the Mass Intentions, Sanctuary Lamp, and Floral Intentions page for information on obtaining a Mass intention.
A Bereavement Support Group for those who have lost a loved one will be held at Our Lady of Sorrows this summer. Through a series of reflections, combined with writing and sharing, and suitable for groups or individuals, The New Day Journal follows a nine-week program that helps people accept the reality of their loss, experience the pain of grief, and adjust to life without their loved one. Click here for more information, including the dates and times of the sessions, and how to register.
The month of November is dedicated to prayer for the faithful departed. During this month the names of our beloved deceased, indicated on the envelopes you have returned, will be placed upon the altars of our churches. There they will remain for prayerful remembrance.
This summer a support group for those who have lost a loved one will be held at Our Lady of Sorrows Church. The sessions will be on Thursday mornings at 10:30 AM in the Church Meeting Room beginning on July 7 and ending on September 1. Click the article title for more information.
Why not consider serving the Lord through our music ministry? We welcome new cantors and members to our choir. Our parish also enjoys the sounds of a Bell Choir. Regular practices are held. For contact information, click the article title.
We are offering Funeral Liturgy Workshops on Thursday, March 31, where you can learn about the three stages of a Catholic Funeral, symbolism in the Funeral Mass, having a Mass as opposed to a funeral home service, Catholic burial and cremation, as well as how you can pre-arrange your Funeral liturgy or that of a parent or loved one. Click the article title for more information.
November 2 is All Souls Day, and the month of November is dedicated to prayer for the faithful departed. During this month, the names of our beloved deceased, indicated on the envelopes you have returned, will be placed upon the altars of our churches. There they will remain for prayerful remembrance.
Intentions for masses, tabernacle lamps, and flowers may now be requested for 2022. Until the book is officially open, arrangements can be made using the forms available on the website or in the bulletin. Click the article title for more information, and links to the forms.
Under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, FEMA is providing financial assistance for COVID-19 related funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020. Click the article title for contact information, and a link to the web site with information about the application process.
The month of November is dedicated to prayer for the faithful departed. During this month the names of our beloved deceased, indicated on the envelopes you have returned, will be placed upon the altars of our churches. There they will remain for prayerful remembrance.