With Father’s Day fast approaching, why not give your husband and yourself the special gift of a Marriage Enrichment Weekend? A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend gives you the time and tools to revitalize romance, deepen communication, and nourish the spirituality in your marriage. Click here for more information.
Tens of thousands of couples have healed their marriages through Retrouvaille (pronounced Retro-vy). If you know anyone who could benefit from this program, please pass this on. Couples learn to build communication skills and to increase intimacy. It provides help for marriage problems, difficulties or crises. Click here for more information.
A day of renewal, hope, and healing for separated and divorced Catholics who long for God's healing love will be offered on Saturday, October 19, at St. Barnabas Catholic Church, Bayville. For more information, click the article title.
For many people, the process of marriage annulment is very mysterious, often accompanied by considerable misinformation. In order to dispel misconceptions, the diocese sponsors Annulment Information Sessions annually in parishes within each county of the diocese. Click the article title to find out when a session will be held at Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony.
Retrouvaille offers a welcoming and loving space to couples who have been living with the misery of a failing marriage. Retrouvaille offers hope: hope that it is not too late, hope of a different and better marriage. Click the article title for details.