St. Gregory the Great Church in Hamilton Square is seeking candidates for the full-time position of Coordinator of Religious Education (CRE). The CRE oversees the formation of children in the Catholic Faith through their adolescent years. Click here for more information and a contact address.
Help the Cohort support the Interfaith Caregivers’ Walk for Wellness on June 1. We'll be having a friendly competition with the other parishes in our Cohort, so please, come out to support our parish, and of course, Caring Hearts, the Interfaith Caregivers group in our parish. Click here for details.
St. Gregory the Great is hosting Dr. R. J. Snell to speak about the Challenges and Dangers of Losing Our Religious Freedom in the United States. We will examine some of the history of religious freedom before discussing the discouraging signs in the current situation. Click here for more information.
On Saturday, Feb. 10, our Lumen Christi Cohort (OLS-SA, St. Gregory the Great, and St. Raphael-Holy Angels) will celebrate a White Mass for healthcare professionals. Everyone is welcome to join us, and if you know anyone involved in health care, please invite them to come! Click here for more information.
As we prepare for the great holiday of Christmas, please remember those in our community who may be hungry--drop off some non-perishable food in unbreakable containers for Mount Carmel Guild and The Food Pantry Partnership at St. Raphael's. Please place your donations for Mount Carmel Guild and St Raphael’s Food Pantry in the receptacles at the doors of our churches. And if you know of anyone in need, please let them know about the food pantry. Click here for more details on when the pantry is open and what kind of items are needed.
Items to be published in the bulletin for the weekend of Nov 25-26 should be submitted no later than Tue., Nov. 14. Please email all bulletin announcements to [email protected] AND to [email protected].
We live our lives by the stories we believe... what if there is a different story? That story is the Gospel. We invite you to join us to explore, share, and truly understand the incredible love God has for each of us. Click here for more information.
The 2023 Cohort Mission will be held on October 23 through 25th, at St. Anthony Church. Over the course of three evenings, Fr. Martin O’Reilly will unveil the meaning and magnificence of how our loving God has, throughout man’s history, kept His covenant promises to be with us always. For details, see the Cohort Mission 2023 page.
The Cohort Mission 2023 will focus on the Eucharistic Revival, specifically, the Eucharist: The Fulfillment of the Covenant Promises, and will be held on October 23, 24, and 25, 2023, at St. Anthony Church. Mark your calendars, and watch for more information through the Summer months!
You're invited to a Religious Freedom talk at St. Gregory the Great parish on Tuesday, April 18 at 7:00 PM in Ferrante Hall. Click here for more information.
Lent: Lord, Let Me Walk This Road With You, is presented by Fr. Stanley "Stas" Lukaszewski, on Saturday, March 11, at St. Gregory the Great Church. All are welcome!
We pray for the protection of the unborn, and for their mothers and fathers to be supported as they recognize the sanctity of life. Our witnesses are peaceful and educational. There is no chanting, shouting, foul language, or graphic signs. As always, we stay on the sidewalk or public right of way. Click here for more information on where and when you can join us.
Are you lost, lonely, in need of physical healing or healing in your family relationships? The community of the MARIAN SERVANTS® of the Holy Family are available to pray with you on Sunday, November 13, after the noon Mass in the Chapel at St. Gregory the Great Church.
"Come to me, all you who labor and have been burdened, and I will refresh you." (Matthew 11:28) Are you lost, lonely, in need of physical healing or healing in your family relationships? The
On October 28, 6:00 PM, Lumen Christi Cohort 6 will sponsor its 3rd Annual White Mass at St Gregory the Great Church, recognizing and praying for health care professionals. If you are involved in health care in any way, or know someone who is, please join us!
Please join us at St. Anthony of Padua (121 Bridge St, Red Bank) in our celebration of the Blessing, Dedication and Inaugural Recital on our newly renovated organ on Sunday, October 16, at 3:30 pm. Click here for more information.
St. Gregory the Great parish is hosting a 7-week series that explores the fundamental questions of the human heart: What do I seek? What is at the center of my life? What will fulfill my needs? What will bring me happiness. For more information, click here.
Save the Date! The Mission Committee of St Raphael-Holy Angels Parish will host a Mission on October 17-19. Live Passionately will feature Fr. Cedric Pisegna, an inspirational and motivational speaker who appears on EWTN, Daystar, and TBN.