The Diocese of Trenton is introducing a new marriage preparation process that will update and strengthen the Pre-Cana programs that have been in place for many years. It will impact the approach taken by our priests and deacons during sessions that take place during parish office visits. It is one of the responses the diocese is making to Bishop O’Connell’s “Plan for Strengthening Marriage.”
Have you ever wondered if your marriage is recognized by the Church? Do you wonder what is required to have your marriage recognized by the Church? Join the conversation to answer your questions about Catholic marriage, at St. Gregory the Great Parish on Wednesday, May 29 at 7:30 - 9:30, in Ferrante Hall.
Are you getting married at one of our parish churches in 2015? In order to prepare your wedding liturgy, brides and grooms must attend an informational session conducted by the Office of Music. The final session is scheduled for March 21. For details, click the article title.