The Cohort Mission 2023 will focus on the Eucharistic Revival, specifically, the Eucharist: The Fulfillment of the Covenant Promises, and will be held on October 23, 24, and 25, 2023, at St. Anthony Church. Mark your calendars, and watch for more information through the Summer months!
Thanks to all who made a special effort to attend this year’s Cohort-wide Mission held at St. Raphael’s Church last week. May the fruits of this time of grace remain in the lives of all the participants. Click the article title for a link to see pictures of the mission.
Click the article title to find the prayer for our 2018 Multi-Parish Mission. Please offer this prayer in the days preceding the mission, to ask the Father and the Son to send the Holy Spirit to all of the parishioners in the four sponsoring parishes: Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony, St. Gregory the Great, St. John the Baptist, and St. Vincent de Paul.
We will be asking all participating parishes to provide volunteers to assist at the mission each of the four nights. Please consider volunteering for one of the roles, on one of the evenings of the mission. Click the article title for more information on the volunteer roles.
What do you recall? Where are you now? Where do you want to be? If you'd like to delve deeper into the insights gained from the Cohort Parish Mission of 2017 with Fr. Larry Richards, or if you'd like some help to remember the key points of the mission, please join us for a Mission Follow-up Meeting on Monday, September 25, at 7:00 PM in the OLS Church Hall.
I want to thank all the people…for welcoming me into your community and being part of the…Mission. I also want to thank you for your generosity in the mission collection—over $23,000! God indeed will bless you for your generosity! Please always remember to “PRAY and LOVE!”
The Cohort Mission was an awesome and grace-filled event! Special thanks to the Cohort Mission Team, OLS staffers Doris Cordero and Denise Mikics, and to all the Wednesday night volunteers. For a complete list of names, click the article title.
On Monday evening, please bring a nonperishable food donation for the food pantry. (No glass jars, please.) Child Care is available for all evenings of the parish mission. Click the article title for information on how to register.
The orientation and training meeting for parish volunteers for the Cohort Mission will be held at 7:30 PM on Wednesday, April 26, at St. Gregory the Great Church. If you are interested and haven't yet signed up, please call the parish office (587-4372).
A great "Thank You" goes out to all those who volunteered to represent Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony as greeters, ushers, child care providers, media sales table staff, and traffic/parking attendants. The first four positions are now staffed, but we do still need traffic/parking attendants, so additional volunteers for that area would be most welcome. If you can helps, please call the parish office. Orientation and training will be provided at a Volunteer Meeting at St. Greg's on April 26, at 7:30 PM.
This year, the mission will be held in the Spring--a joint venture of the parishes of Hamilton and Allentown. Mark your calendar for May 8 - 11. Click the article title for more information.
...for the 5-Parish Cohort Mission, with Fr. Larry Richards, May 8 - 11, 7:00 PM, at St. Gregory the Great Church. Click the article title for details.