This Wednesday, February 5, our Confirmation candidates will have a unique experience in their sacramental preparation. They will gather at a local restaurant with questions for Monsignor Gervasio about Confirmation and living their Catholic faith, and enjoy a little pizza at the same time!
Our Tuition Assistance Fund is a wonderful way to ensure that our students receive an excellent spiritual and academic information that lasts a lifetime! Click here to find out how you can help in the formation of the next generation.
There will be a retreat for the students (and their parents) who will be making their First Penance this year. The retreat will be held on the morning of Saturday, February 1, at Our Lady of Sorrows Church.
Our intensive summer program (an alternative to year-round weekly classes) is back by popular demand. This year we are happy to announce that the program will include those students from Grades 1 & 2 and 7 & 8 preparing for the sacraments. Click here for more information.
Jesus is coming! We need your help to prepare for his arrival. You are invited to help decorate Our Lady of Sorrows Church at 6:30 pm on Monday December 23. Click here for more information.
Our own Msgr. Gervasio will be giving a presentation on the Angels at St. Gregory the Great Church, on Monday, December 16, at 7:00 PM. Let's show our support and be there to find out more about God's heavenly messengers.
Please bring all gifts for the Adopt-a-Child/Family program to the OLS cafeteria on Sunday, December 8 between 1 and 3 PM. Thank you to all who conributed!
In 1969, St. Pope Paul VI began the custom of blessing the statuettes of the Infant Jesus that would be used in the manger scenes set up at home. We invite you, especially our children, to bring your “Gesu Bambino” to the 11:00 am Mass on December 15 to be blessed as we bring this delightful tradition to our parish.
Once again you are invited to share your Christmas love and joy with children in need. Click here to find a link to the online sign-up form, or for information on completing and returning a paper form.
Our Lady of Sorrows School invites you to bring your kids for breakfast with Santa, on December 8, from 9:30 to 11:30 AM. The cost is $5 per person, and you can register using the form in this article. For more information and the registration form, click here.
Notre Dame HIgh School President, Ken Jennings is hosting a series of engaging speakers, beginning with Bishop O'Connell's lecture on "Raising Catholic Kids in our Modern Age." The lecture will be followed by a moderated discussion with Bishop O'Connell and Dr. Ana Samuel, research scholar and current ND parent. Click here for more information, and to register.
The Children's Liturgy of the Word will be offered at the 11:00 AM Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows Church on November 17, and December 8 & 15. Children in grades K - 4 are invited to join us as we hear God's Word and respond to the Good News of the Gospel.
Are you at least 18 years old, and interested in sharing the joy of your Catholic faith with our little ones? Click here for more information on what is required, and contact information to inquire further.
If you have not already seen the exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles inspired by the Blessed Carlo Acutis, it can be seen from now until September 20 at St. James Church, Pennington. The display is open from 10 to 7 Monday through Sunday. Spoiler...these miracles are still happening, and you can find out about them, and the scientific investigations of them, in this display!
Next week, our Catechetical Year begins. We welcome our new and returning students. During the 11:00 am Mass, our dedicated catechists will receive a blessing as they begin their year of ministry
Click here to find the basketball tryout schedule for the 2024/25 season. Please note that all children trying out must attend Our Lady of Sorrows School or be a member of our parish in the Religious Education Program.