Our parish is in great need of Eucharistic Ministers to visit our homebound brothers and sisters, as well as our neighboring nursing homes. The Eucharistic ministry to the homebound and to those in nursing homes is a rewarding ministry. Click here for more information.
As we come to the close of the Christmas Season, we offer our thanks to all who helped to make our celebration of these holy days so edifying--liturgical ministers, musicians, choirs, cantors, liturgy committee, decorators, office, and maintenance staff. Our parish is indeed blessed by your dedication and generosity.
Our parish family bids an affectionate and grateful farewell to Kevin and Barbara Dohrenwend as they set out for the beautiful Commonwealth of Virginia. May God’s loving kindness ever go with them!
Jesus is coming! We need your help to prepare for his arrival. You are invited to help decorate Our Lady of Sorrows Church at 6:30 pm on Monday December 23. Click here for more information.
The OLS handbell choir is looking for a “ringer”. No previous handbell ringing experience is requited. However, basic musical knowledge is necessary. Click here for more information.
Please join us for a day of recollection for all Liturgical Ministers and Music Ministers on October 12, from 9 AM to 12:30 PM, at Our Lady of Sorrows. Please RSVP by October 7. Click here for contact and other information.
The Music of Ola Gjelo, featuring the Sunrise Mass, with be performed by the combines choirs of the Diocesan Festival Choir and the Red Bank Oratory, with the Orchestra of St. Cecilia under the direction of Mr. Shawn Mack, on Sunday, April 21 at 3:30 PM. Click here for more information.
we acknowledge the wonderful work of our liturgy committee members, decorators, and maintenance and office staff who dedicated so many hours of their time to prepare our churches for the Christmas Celebration. We also thank all our liturgical ministers who assisted at the numerous Masses of the Christmas Vigil and Christmas Day.
Everyone—especially those who are not afraid of climbing ladders—is invited to help decorate Our Lady of Sorrows Church at 7:00 pm on Friday, December 22, for His arrival. Many hands will make light work, so bring your family and friends. This is a great opportunity for Confirmation candidates and high school students to earn service hours, too!
All liturgical and music ministers of Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony parish are invited to attend a Day of Recollection on October 7, from 9 AM to noon. Liturgical ministries include Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Musicians, and Ushers.
Last weekend at the 4 PM and 8 AM Masses, six Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion were commissioned to distribute the Holy Eucharist during Mass and to take the Sacrament to the sick and homebound. We offer them our congratulations and our thanks for their commitment to serve the Lord and his people.
Heartfelt gratitude to all who helped decorate and prepare for Easter at Our Lady of Sorrows and St. Anthony. Click here for the names of those generous parishioners.