This Wednesday, February 5, our Confirmation candidates will have a unique experience in their sacramental preparation. They will gather at a local restaurant with questions for Monsignor Gervasio about Confirmation and living their Catholic faith, and enjoy a little pizza at the same time!
Since Confirmation is not conferred during the celebration of Mass, the 11 AM Mass last Sunday was an opportunity for our parish to honor our Confirmandi.
Congratulations to the students of our Religious Education Program who are being confirmed this weekend. We offer our thanks to their parents, sponsors, and catechists, who prepared them for the gift of the Holy Spirit, and to Fr. Martin O’Reilly, who conferred the sacrament.
We extend a joyous welcome to our Candidates for Confirmation who assist at our 11:00 am Mass today! Their confirmation will be celebrated this Saturday, April 13.
Do you—or does someone you know—want to become a Catholic or, if already baptized Catholic, to receive the sacraments of First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which non-Catholics enter the Roman Catholic Faith. For more information on RCIA, click here.
Congratulations to Ryan Michael White and Taylor Gabriella Manning on being received into the Church and receiving First Communion and Confirmation on Pentecost Sunday (May 28) 2023!
Congratulations to those who received the sacraments last weekend for the first time, and to those who participated in the parish May Crowning. For more information, click here.
Congratulations to our students who were confirmed last weekend! We offer our thanks to their parents, sponsors, and catechists, who prepared them for the gift of the Holy Spirit, and to Msgr. Dennis Apoldite, who conferred the sacrament.
Since a Catholic is considered a member of the parish based on residency within the parish's geographical boundaries, why do we need to register? Click here for a quick Q&A on why you should register.
Whether you registered as a parishioner seven years ago or seven times seven years ago, things change. We care about the changes in your life, so please keep us informed! And please remind your adult children to will be helpful should they need a letter of eligibility to serve as sponsor or godparent!
This Saturday, March 26, our parish welcomes His Excellency, Bishop David O'Connell, for the celebration of Confirmation. The sacrament will be conferred at St. Anthony Church at 10:30 AM. For more information, click the article title.
Congratulations to the students who were confirmed last Tuesday. We offer our thanks to their parents, sponsors, and catechists, who prepared them for the gift of the Holy Spirit, and to Msgr. Thomas Gervasio, who conferred the sacrament! Click the article title for more information.
Parents, remember when you registered here? Maybe your children went to our parish school before attending high school and college. Now they're out on their own, and you have an empty nest—but we still have them on your record. If they're still living in this area, please remind them to visit the parish office (or visit the parish Website) to register on their own. This can facilitate their obtaining a letter needed should a relative or friend ask them to stand as a godparent or confirmation sponsor.
RCIA Candidates will be received into the Church on Sunday October 11, at St. Anthony's at the 9:30 AM Mass. Catholics completing their Sacraments will also receive their First Holy Communion and Confirmation at the same ceremony. Click the article title for more information.
Before asking someone to be a sponsor for baptism or confirmation, consider that the sponsor’s role is to help the baptized lead a Christian life in harmony with baptism and fulfill faithfully the obligations connected to it. Click the article title to find information on the requirements for sponsors and godparents.
About Our Updated RCIA Process--Our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is now going year round! Now anyone interested in receiving the Sacraments of Holy Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation can begin the process (Period of Inquiry and Discernment) at any time throughout the year. Click the article title for more information.