Last year with the support of local donations, the Hamilton Knights of Columbus distributed over 500 brand new coats to the needy children in Hamilton Township and the surrounding areas. With your support we hope to double our efforts this year. Click here to find out how you can help!
An Oldies Dance will be held on June 14, at Columbus Hall. A portion of the proceeds will go to veterans organizations. Click here for more information.
The Hamilton Knights of Columbus Council 6213 will be collecting donations for our Pro Life Charities at both churches on Mother’s Day Weekend (May 11 &1). Please be generous, as these donations help both mother and child!
The Knights of Columbus will be holding a 4th Degree Exemplification on Saturday, February 17, at Our Lady of Peace Parish Center in North Brunswick, NJ. This event is open to all 3rd Degree members of the Knights of Columbus who are in good standing. Click here for details.
The Knights of Columbus Hamilton Council #6213 would like to give thanks to all of the parishioners from Our Lady of Sorrows – Saint Anthony Parish who supported our program. With your generous donations, we were able to distribute 48 cases of coats to several local organizations and schools. Click here for more information.
Click here to see the message from Mrs. Mariyam Francis, OLS-SA Director of Religious Education, thanking all who helped and supported the Religious Education Christmas Play.
Items to be published in the bulletin for the weekend of Nov 25-26 should be submitted no later than Tue., Nov. 14. Please email all bulletin announcements to [email protected] AND to [email protected].
Calling all 3rd Degree Knights. The Knights of Columbus will be holding a 4th Degree Exemplification on Sunday, October 22, on the USS New Jersey Battleship. This event is open to all 3rd Degree members of the Knights of Columbus who are in good standing. Click here for more information.
Last year with the support of local donations, the Hamilton Knights of Columbus Council #6213 distributed more than 500 brand new coats to needy children in Hamilton Township and the surrounding areas. With your support we hope to double our efforts this year.
The Hamilton K of C Council 6213 will be collecting donations for our Pro Life Charities at both OLS & St. Anthony’s on the weekend of May 20 & 21. Please be generous in helping the Knights in this worthy fundraiser. Donations can also be made via checks made payable to Hamilton Council 6213.
The Hamilton Township Knights of Columbus Council 6213 invites you to the Spring Oldies Dance with a Back to the Beach theme, on April 28, 2023, from 7 to 11 PM.
Please notify the parish office when your organization or ministry changes leadership. It is important for us to know the correct person to contact regarding 2023-24 facility scheduling. Click here for contact information.
The Knights of Columbus Hamilton Council #6213 would like to give thanks to all of the parishioners from Our Lady of Sorrows – Saint Anthony Parish who supported our program. With your generous donations, we were able to distribute 42 cases of coats to local schools and organizations. Click here for more information.
On the weekend of October 15-16, the Knights of Columbus Rose Sale to support the Right to Life, will be outside both churches. Please help support our efforts to promote the dignity of human life from conception to natural death.
The Hamilton Township Knights of Columbus Council 6213 invites you to a Halloween Oldies Dance on Friday, October 28 at 7:00 PM. The cost is $35 per person. Click here for details and contact information.
The Knights of Columbus will be holding a 4th Degree Exemplification on Sunday, November 13, on the USS New Jersey Battleship. This event is open to all 3rd Degree members of the Knights who are in good standing. Click here for more information.
Monsignor recently received a letter from the Hamilton Council 6213 of the Knights of Columbus thanking him for his efforts in promoting the organization's "Coats for Kids" program in our parish. The organization, which was lauded last year for being one of the top "coats for Kids" distributors in NJ, raised enough money this year to purchase 36 cases of 12 coats each--that's 432 coats--for distribution to social service agencies in our area.