This Saturday, September 7, the teams of our five “Lumen Christi” Cohort parishes will gather for a morning of recollection at Chancery Office, Lawrenceville. Please keep our team members and our pastors in prayer this Saturday.
The Faith in Our Future implementation continues, with every parish working in some way to collaborate more fully with other parishes, and Cohort Implementation Teams meeting regularly to report progress, resolve issues, and share ongoing visioning. To find a link to the January Implementation newsletter, click the article title.
We are still working on implementing the ways and means of collaboration within our cohort, and we need your prayers. Click the article title for a link to the Faith in Our Future prayer.
Our work establishing our working relationship with the parishes of our cohort. Faith in Our Future is in our hands...please pray that we continue to make progress.
Implementation Team's recommendations approved, and new name for cohort. See the Faith in Our Future page, under Stewardship for complete information on the process, goals, status, and plans for Faith in Our Future in our cohort.
Please continue to pray for the successful implementation of Faith in Our Future. The cohort Implementation Teams are working on plans for collaboration.
Mèkredi sa a, alòske nap selebre fèt Konvèsyon St Paul, Son Ekselans Msgr O'Connell pral bay desizyon li konsènan estrikti nan lavni pawas dyosèz nou yo.
This Wednesday, as we celebrate the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, His Excellency, Bishop O'Connell will issue his decisions regarding the future structure of our diocesan parishes. Click the article title for more information.
Thank you to everyone who supported the Christmas Super 50/50 Raffle sponsored by our parish and the other parishes in our Faith in Our Future cohort. The raffle benefited the Mount Carmel Guild of Trenton, which received $5,205--half of the proceeds. For information on the winning tickets, click the article title.
We are asking parishioners to express their views on a plan that would create a new parking area that would bring handicapped parking spaces closer to the OLS church and office entrance. Click the article for details.
in support of those who are working to plan for the future of our diocese, our cohort, and our parish through the Faith in Our Future process. You'll find a prayer for Faith in Our Future under Worship & Liturgy > Prayers > Prayer for Faith in Our Future.
The Diocesan Planning Commission met on retreat to begin their response to our cohort suggestions for Faith in Our Future. You can see a video from The Monitor, as well as the story coverage by The Monitor, by clicking the Links on the left below the menu on the Faith in Our Future page, under Stewardship.
We continue to follow up on a few of the suggestions and comments made in our recent survey for the Faith in Our Future process. Click the article title for details.