Last year with the support of local donations, the Hamilton Knights of Columbus distributed over 500 brand new coats to the needy children in Hamilton Township and the surrounding areas. With your support we hope to double our efforts this year. Click here to find out how you can help!
On Sept. 22, Sept. 29, Oct. 6, and Oct. 20, all children in Grades K-4 are invited to join us as we hear God’s Word and respond to the Good News of the Gospel. Children begin the Mass with their parents, and then are invited to come forward and process together to the Church Hall, where the same Liturgy of the Word is celebrated, but at a more age-accessible level. The children then rejoin their parents for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Are you at least 18 years old, and interested in sharing the joy of your Catholic faith with our little ones? Click here for more information on what is required, and contact information to inquire further.
Tens of thousands of couples have healed their marriages through Retrouvaille (pronounced Retro-vy). During this weekend program, couples learn to build communication skills and to increase intimacy. It provides help for marriage problems, difficulties or crises. If you know anyone who could benefit from this program, please pass this on. Click here for more information.
If you have not already seen the exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles inspired by the Blessed Carlo Acutis, it can be seen from now until September 20 at St. James Church, Pennington. The display is open from 10 to 7 Monday through Sunday. Spoiler...these miracles are still happening, and you can find out about them, and the scientific investigations of them, in this display!
Click here to find some practical ways to “care for our common home," in keeping with the goals of Laudato Si’, the Pope’s encyclical on the health of our planet.
Our Monday Night Bible Study will resume on September 16, at 7:00 PM b the Church Library. Click here for information on how you can participate from home, if needed.
We are delighted to announce that Catholic Charities of our Diocese has chosen to bestow the "Light of Hope" Award to our parish this year. For more information, click here.
This week, September 10-12, the priests of our diocese will gather for their annual Convocation in Galloway Township...a time of prayer, continuing education, and fraternity. Please remember our priests in prayers during these special days. Accordingly, our liturgical schedule has been adjusted. Click here to see.
Next week, our Catechetical Year begins. We welcome our new and returning students. During the 11:00 am Mass, our dedicated catechists will receive a blessing as they begin their year of ministry
September 15, is the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, our parish patron. Because patronal feasts can be moved to the nearest Sunday, we will be celebrating it on its actual date, September 15. Our parish picnic will be held that same day, following the 11:00 Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows.
During August, 33 parishioners provided 185.5 hours of service to 39 persons. Click here for more information about the services performed and how to sign up to give or receive care.