We are pleased to report that this year’s Easter Collection totaled $73,559! This is an increase of $3,544 over last year’s collection. Thanks to all who so generously contributed to this important appeal which will help our parish meet its many financial obligations. Click here for more information.
Devotion to the Heart of Christ existed in the Middle Ages and appears as a liturgical feast in 1675 following the apparitions of Our Lord to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. Click here for more information.
Throughout this time of Eucharistic Revival, our bulletin has carried quotes of saints and scholars on the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. In this final year of the revival, the bulletin will provide weekly explanations of the various parts of the Holy Mass. Click here to see the first installment.
Congratulations to the boys and girls of Our Lady of Sorrows School, Class of 2024! They will celebrate their graduation from the hallowed halls of our parish school this Friday, June 7, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with the Celebration of Holy Mass, and Commencement Exercise at 4:00 pm. Click here for more information.
During the month of May, let us emulate Mary, who brought to her prayer that attitude of heart, mind, and being that says, ‘Speak, Lord your servant is listening.’ (1 Sam 3:10) Click here to see more of this meditation on Our Blessed Mother.
The 9:00 AM Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows will be the only Mass of the day. Please join us in remembering those who gave their lives in the service of our nation.
Next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, we will celebrate the Gift of the Eucharist in a special way in three different locations. Please join us! Click here for more information,
An Oldies Dance will be held on June 14, at Columbus Hall. A portion of the proceeds will go to veterans organizations. Click here for more information.
Our celebration of Pentecost takes on the added joy of witnessing the beginning of the diaconal ministry of Nelson Abreu. Completing five years of academic and spiritual formation, he makes his generous “Yes” to the Lord. He will be assisting at the 4:00 pm and 11:00 am Masses. Let us support him with our fervent prayer asking the Lord to make his ministry fruitful.