All are invited to participate in the Mass for Life and Life Expo on Friday, January 24, 2025, at 11:00 AM at the Co-Cathedral of St. Robert Bellarmine, Freehold. Click here for details.
Our parish relies very much on the annual Christmas Collection to meet its financial obligations. Your generosity in this annual appeal is very much appreciated.
Will be celebrated at St. Anthony Church at 10:00 PM on Christmas Eve. It is a great honor for our parish to welcome the Most Reverend Bishop as celebrant and homilist of the 10:00 pm Mass on Christmas Eve at St. Anthony Church. We encourage you to be part of this special Christmas Liturgy.
Jesus is coming! We need your help to prepare for his arrival. You are invited to help decorate Our Lady of Sorrows Church at 6:30 pm on Monday December 23. Click here for more information.
The Respect Life Ministry would like to thank parishioners for their generous support of the recent sale of New Jersey Right to Life raffle tickets. OLS-SA parishioners purchased 215 tickets, contributing nearly $2,200 to support NJRTL with their on-going Pro Life efforts here in New Jersey.
This retreat morning is offered by the Francis House of Prayer, the Trenton Diocesan Spiritual Center and Retreat House, on Monday, December 16. Click here for more information.
Our Lady of Sorrows – St Anthony’s 28th annual Golf Classic, held at Mercer Oaks on Monday, September 30th, was a tremendous success. Click here to find the winners, the total amount raised for the parish, and a list of the committee member who made this possible!
As we celebrate the season of Advent, a time to anticipate the birth of Christ, the Light of the World, our parish continues its tradition of inviting families to carry the lighted Advent candle in procession at the beginning of each week-end Mass. Click here to find out how YOU can participate in this lovely tradition.