In observance of the Thanksgiving holiday, the parish office will be closed from Wednesday, November 27th through Sunday, December 1. The office will reopen at the usual time on Monday, December 2. Please note that there will be no adoration on Thursday, November 29th (Thanksgiving Day).
Corporate Sunday is December 1 at the 8:00 AM Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows. All parishioners are invited to join us after Mass when we pray the rosary. The monthly meeting is Dec 2 at 7:00 in OLS Church Meeting Room. We will be having an Advent Service prior to the business meeting.
Our Lady of Sorrows School invites you to bring your kids for breakfast with Santa, on December 8, from 9:30 to 11:30 AM. The cost is $5 per person, and you can register using the form in this article. For more information and the registration form, click here.
On Sunday, November 24, we will have a Solemn Mass and Eucharistic Procession at 11:00 AM at Our Lady of Sorrows Church, in honor of Christ our King. Please join us!
Notre Dame HIgh School President, Ken Jennings is hosting a series of engaging speakers, beginning with Bishop O'Connell's lecture on "Raising Catholic Kids in our Modern Age." The lecture will be followed by a moderated discussion with Bishop O'Connell and Dr. Ana Samuel, research scholar and current ND parent. Click here for more information, and to register.
Have you always wanted a real painting? For Christmas decor? Join us on Friday December 6, from 7 to 9 PM in the school cafeteria to paint your own Christmas painting! All supplies and simple step-by-step instructions will be provided! Click here for details.
Please note that the parish office will be closed on Monday, November 11th, in observance of Veterans' Day. The office will reopen at the usual time on Tuesday, November 12.
This year's summer projects cost a total of $359,309, which was paid for by a combination of sources, including this year's donations, last year's donations, and the parish savings. Our thanks go out to all the generous benefactors who made this work possible!
The Holy Name Society invites the men of our parish to render honor and glory to the sacred name of Jesus and to carry out the corporal and spiritual works of mercy through prayer and service to our parish and wider community.
Our Lady of Sorrows School is partnering with A&M for our Thanksgiving fundraiser, and is offering a variety of cakes, pies, cheesecakes, rolls, and donuts to compliment your Thanksgiving dinner. Please take home a flyer, or pick one up at the school office.
The Children's Liturgy of the Word will be offered at the 11:00 AM Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows Church on November 17, and December 8 & 15. Children in grades K - 4 are invited to join us as we hear God's Word and respond to the Good News of the Gospel.