A warm welcome is extended to all those attending this year's Irish Unity Mass, which will be celebrated at St. Anthony Church at 10 AM on Saturday, March 4.
This year's Lenten Work of Love is to assist the refugees of the war in the Ukraine, who are now in Poland. Please be generous, and put your donations in the containers at the doors of the church. Click here for more information.
Don't forget to send in your order for Gertrude Hawk's delicious Easter Candy! The sale ends on Monday, February 27. Click here for more information on order delivery.
Don't forget! The February 22 session has been moved to March 1. It will begin at 7 PM, and will be held in the Church Meeting Room. This evening's lesson will be "Living the Faith."
"Remember that when you leave this life, you can take with you nothing that you have received, only what you have given." - St. Francis of Assisi. Come and meet your Secular Franciscan Family!
Despite the COVID-19 virus, our services are still needed to support our elderly and disabled neighbors. Now, more than ever, if you have one hour a week, you can make a difference in the life of an elderly person. Click here to find out more about training opportunities for becoming an Interfaith Caregiver Volunteer.
Lent: Lord, Let Me Walk This Road With You, is presented by Fr. Stanley "Stas" Lukaszewski, on Saturday, March 11, at St. Gregory the Great Church. All are welcome!
and those who want to help homebound neighbors. Our parish finds itself in great need of Eucharistic Ministers to our homebound brothers and sisters, as well as our neighboring nursing homes. Click here for more information.
Lent is a penitential season, and thus requires a certain amount of fasting and abstinence. All Fridays in Lent are days of abstinence from meat. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and days of fasting and abstinence. Click here for a link to more information.