Click here to see the stewardship report of January 29, for the weekends of January 7/8 and January 14/15. Note that these totals do not include Online Giving.
The traditional blessing of throats will take place after the 7:00 and 9:00 AM Masses this Friday, February 3, the Memorial of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr. flesh, given and received is this year’s National Marriage Week theme. Click here for more information, and to find out about special events scheduled in our parish for this week.
In addition to programs offered at the Francis House of Prayer, you are invited to St. Gregory the Great for a program of spiritual growth that will help deepen your prayer life and bring you closer to Our Lord. Click here for details on both the St. Gregory the Great offering and the Francis House of Prayer offerings.
The Polish Arts Club of Trenton announces the availability of $1,500 scholarships to qualified high school seniors of Polish Descent to assist in the pursuit of a college education. Click here for contact information.
The psychological and spiritual wounds of abortion can be sharp, deep, and crippling, and can affect both the mother and the father and grandparents. You may feel a deep numbness and may not be able to name the pain or recognize any of the symptoms. Rachel’s Vineyard’s Retreat is a chance for healing, through a supportive, non-judgmental process, in an atmosphere of confidentiality, understanding, and compassion. Click here for more information.
Thanks to all who have been so generous in contributing to the Christmas collection, the most important appeal of the year. If you have not yet made a gift, it would be most welcome! A total will be published soon and a report will be made on the disbursement of the funds.
Rediscover the love in your marriage. Tens of thousands of couples have healed their marriages through Retrouvaille (pronounced Retro-vy). If you know anyone who could benefit from this program, please pass this on. Click here for details and a helpful link.
Dine at the Red Robin restaurant in Hamilton Marketplace on January 31, and they will donate 15% of the proceeds to our school! Click here for details.
For the year 2023, the Mercer County Federation of Holy Name Societies is again offering a scholarship to a graduating high school senior. Click here for details.
The parish CARE program meets on the last Wednesday of every month, from September through May, at 7:00 PM in the Church Meeting Room at Our Lady of Sorrows. Click here for more information.
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins this Wednesday, January 18 and ends on January 21. It is an observance that has been held annually for over a century. For more information on this year's theme, click here.