The OLS-SA Golf Classic was again a most enjoyable day on the links. A full report on the event will be published soon. In the interim, many thanks are extended to the committee members.
On October 28, 6:00 PM, Lumen Christi Cohort 6 will sponsor its 3rd Annual White Mass at St Gregory the Great Church, recognizing and praying for health care professionals. If you are involved in health care in any way, or know someone who is, please join us!
It is not too early to be thinking of our charitable work at Christmas. Our long standing and popular “Adopt-aFamily” is in need of a Coordinator. Without someone to generously step forward, we would have to consider an alternative project. Make a child's Christmas merry! Click here for more information.
Donate winter clothing! Our Haitian Community invites you to donate new and gently used winter clothing for both children and adults. We would welcome coats, sweaters, scarves, gloves, pants, boots, blankets, etc. Click here for drop-off information.
Our Pollinator Garden in front of our school is progressing well. We extend our great thanks to those who organized and worked on this initiative, especially Sue McGuinness, Joan Bellis, Ann Kantor, Joanne Pollisint, Alice Eckel, and Phil Carlini, our Director of Maintenance. We also very grateful to all who generously donated toward the acquisition of the various plants and the families that assisted with their planting.
The Hamilton Township Knights of Columbus Council 6213 invites you to a Halloween Oldies Dance on Friday, October 28 at 7:00 PM. The cost is $35 per person. Click here for details and contact information.
The HHS is proposing a new rule that would prevent Catholic hospitals, clinics, assisted living facilities and health care workers from carrying out their mission. We have until October 3 to voice our objections to this proposed rule. Act now! Click here for more details and a link you can use that makes it easy to speak out.
The Blessing of Pets, conducted in remembrance of St. Francis of Assisi’s love for all creatures, will take place in our parish at 6 pm on Tuesday, Oct. 4. (Rain date/time: 6 pm on Wednesday, Oct. 5.) Click here for more information.
For many years, our parishioners have brightened the Christmases of area children who might otherwise have had no gifts to open. We want to continue this beautiful tradition, but need a volunteer to coordinate it (training will be provided), and volunteers to provide helping hands. Click here for more information.
If you love your faith and are willing to share this faith with children, please call the office of Religious Education. Click here for more information.
The Knights of Columbus will be holding a 4th Degree Exemplification on Sunday, November 13, on the USS New Jersey Battleship. This event is open to all 3rd Degree members of the Knights who are in good standing. Click here for more information.