They devoted time and talent to our celebration of World Marriage Day last Sunday. Besides preparing special prayers for the liturgy and articles for our bulletin and website, they baked 200+ delicious, beautifully packaged cupcakes for the assembly at the 11:00 AM Mass!
The PTA of Our Lady of Sorrows School is pleased to offer you delicious Gertrude Hawk candy as part of our spring fundraiser program. Flyers are available in the parish office. For more information, click the article title.
Our parish congratulates Nelson Abreu, a candidate for the permanent diaconate, upon being called by our bishop to the ministry of lector, a further step on the journey to ordination. Click the article title for more information.
The Diocese of Trenton has a full-time vacancy for the combined position of Communications Assistant in the Office of Communications and Media, and Circulation Coordinator for the Monitor. For details, click the article title.
Mount Carmel Guild is hiring a Home Health Care Registered Nurse. If you or someone you know is interested in this part-time, no weekends or evenings, flexible schedule, call Corinne at 609-392-5159, ext. 113, or go to:
Click the article title to see some of the upcoming programs offered at the Marianist Family Retreat Center in Cape May Point, and at the Francis House of Prayer in Allentown.
A warm welcome is extended to all those attending this year's Irish Unity Mass, which will be celebrated at the Church of St. Anthony (626 So. Olden Ave in Hamilton) at 10 AM on Saturday, March 5. Click the article title for contact information.
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the misnamed Women's Health Protection Act, H.R. 3755/S.1975, in September. Now, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer has promised to post the bill for a vote on February 25, 2020. This is not about allowing free choice; it's about eliminating choices. Find out how by clicking the article title.
Congratulations to parishioner Jack Evans, who achieved Academic Honors at Holy Ghost Preparatory School for the First Semester of the 2021-2022 School Year. A student must earn a Grade Point Average of 4.2 or above to achieve Academic Honors.
The new statue of St. Anthony was blessed at St. Anthony Church, on February 12, by Msgr. Thomas Gervasio. For a link to pictures, click the article title.
We should like to maintain the custom of parishioners bringing up the offertory gifts during our weekend Masses. However, we have found that many people hesitate to bring the gifts forward or do not present them at all. This has caused us to omit the presentation at a few Masses. If you would like to bring up the gifts, click the article title to find out more...