Thursday, December 1, marks the 12th anniversary of Bishop O’Connell as Shepherd of the Diocese of Trenton. Our parish offers its congratulations and best wishes. Let us support him with our continued prayer that the Lord may grant him many more happy, healthy, and holy years in His service!
The Rosary Altar will hold their Corporate Sunday on December 4 at Our Lady of Sorrows Church, and their monthly meeting for December on Monday, December 5.
Christmas is coming! We are publishing our Christmastide Schedule in advance, reminding everyone that although the faithful have an obligation to assist at Mass, those who are not feeling well should remain at home, and take advantage of the various live-streamed and televised options for Mass.
On November 29, Catholic schools from across the Diocese of Trenton are participating in Giving Tuesday, the global day of charitable giving that follows Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday. Giving Tuesday is a day of charity that fosters connection and generosity that helps you bring real change to your community. Click here for more information.
The Church of St. Anthony of Padua presents George Frederic Handel's Messiah, Part One on Friday, December 2, 2022 at 7:30 PM. Click here for more information.
The Liturgy of the Word for children in grades K - 5 will be offered on December 4 and December 11, at the 11:00 Mass. Please join us as we celebrate God's Word for Advent, and receive your special Advent gift.
As you plan your Christmas giving, please consider being a Tuition Angel. Your gift of support of a Catholic education is one that will be alive for generations. Click here for more information.
The Blessed Sacrament will not be exposed for Eucharistic Adoration on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 24. Adoration will resume as usual the following week.
In observance of the holiday, the Parish Office will close at 12:30 Wednesday, November 23 for the Thanksgiving holiday, and will remain closed through Friday, Nov. 25. The office will reopen at 9:00 AM on Monday, Nov. 28.
Let us begin Thanksgiving Day with the celebration of Mass. It is the most appropriate and powerful way to thank the Triune God for the many blessings he has bestowed on us personally, and on our nation. Click here for details on the holiday schedule.
Please note: The intentions scheduled for the 7:00 AM Mass on Friday, November 25 (Joseph Polizzi and Attilio Avino) are transferred to the 9:00 Mass that day.
Throughout the Advent Season, the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe will be displayed within our churches. Click here for more information on Our Lady of Guadalupe.