Reservations for Saturday afternoon and Sunday Masses will be taken on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday only. No reservations will be accepted on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.
Do you know someone who is carrying the grief of a past abortion? There is always hope. The pain and sorrow of abortion does not need to endure for a lifetime. A “Day of Prayer and Healing” offers the opportunity to experience the love and mercy of God and to respond to His invitation to begin the journey of healing the wound of abortion. Click the article title for more information.
Please remember in your prayers and Masses the soul of the Most Reverend Edward U. Kmiec who died on Saturday, July 11, the Memorial of St. Benedict. For more information on his life, click the article title.
July 19-25, 2020, the dates of National Natural Family Planning (NFP) Awareness Week, highlight the anniversary of the papal encyclical Humanae Vitae (July 25), which articulates Catholic beliefs about human sexuality, married love, and responsible parenthood. Very helpful information about the benefits of NFP, how it works, and its effectiveness, is available at the website.
The Supreme recently upheld, by a 7-2 decision, an executive order that protected the Little Sisters of the Poor from being forced to pay for abortion-causing drugs under their health insurance plan. Abortion advocates have spent years trying to force Sisters to fund abortions.
We recently concluded a successful Summer Religious Education Program. Along with our program director, Mrs. Francis, I want to offer thanks and praise for the catechists who were so instrumental to its success. It was, of course carried out “virtually” during this COVID-19 period. Click the article title for more information.
Our parish Respect Life Ministry hosts a group rosary Wednesdays at 6:45 pm at an online Zoom conference. You’re invited to join them in praying as a group for an end to both abortion and the Covind-19 pandemic. Consider joining this rosary group. Just email Dom Conte ([email protected]); he’ll send you details.
Confessions will no longer be heard on weekday evenings at OLS. Instead, they will be heard outside the north entrances of OLS Church after the 9 AM Saturday Mass and from 2:45 – 3:30 PM on Saturday.
The parish family of Our Lady of Sorrows-Saint Anthony congratulates and extends its prayerful best wishes for a long and happy marriage to the couples who were wed in the first half of 2020.
Tens of thousands of couples have healed their marriages through Retrouvaille (pronounced Retro-vy). Couples learn to build communication skills and to increase intimacy. It provides help for marriage problems, difficulties, or crises. Click the article title for more information, and if you know anyone who could benefit from this program, please pass this on.
However, we are still asking that you send your 2021 Mass intentions to Denise Mikics via email ([email protected]) or snail mail (OLS-SA, Attn: Denise Mikics, 3816 E State St Ext, Hamilton NJ 08619). Click the article title for more information.
...of the defacing and toppling of the statues of this Franciscan Saint whose feast we celebrated on July 1? Click the article title to see an abridged version of the statement by the Catholic Bishops.