The rate of chemical abortions in the United States is at an all-time high. The Mifeprex abortion pill regimen is used for aborting babies up to 10 weeks old, at which point the baby already has a heartbeat, head, hands, feet, fingers & toes. Mifeprex is subject to the FDA’s drug safety program because it carries life-threatening risks. For more information, click the article title.
We extend our gratitude to all who so generously contributed to our Easter Collection. If you have not yet made your gift, know that your contribution is most welcome.
A Paschal Candle to be used at St. Anthony Church Church was donated in loving memory of Vincenza Gervasio Brophy by OLS-SA staff members Michael Amantia, Susan Commini, Doris Cordero, Mariyam Francis, Clara Gioe, and Denise Mikics.
God calls each person to a life of holiness and service, whether single, married, ordained, or consecrated. The Diocesan Ministry of Vocations provides discernment opportunities, encouragement, support, education, and resources for those responding to God's call through the ministerial priesthood. Your gift helps to amplify the call to serve.
Last month Teen Vogue posted a Snapchat Discovery story with the following message and worse: “Like Anything Worth Doing, Sexting Takes Practice.” Fight back! Last week, the Human Life Alliance launched the 2020/21 teen abstinence magazine Just for Girls/Just for Guys. Give a copy of Just for Girls/Just for Guys to a teen you know today! Click the article title for a link to the publication.
Update on the Trip to Sight and Sound—Due to the current pandemic, the trip to Sight and Sound to see Esther has been canceled. Click the article title to find out how to get your refund. Thank you for supporting the Rosary Altar Society.
In addition to the troubles caused by the pandemic, the area served by the Religious Teachers Filippini in Ethiopia is being swarmed by thousands of locusts eating their crops! They are in desperate need of the well and cisterns that our gift will provide. Since we cannot make our donations at the church doors as usual, please do not forget our Lenten offering--Donations may be mailed to the Parish Office. Checks should be made payable to Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony Parish.
Please remember that the graces and Plenary Indulgence attached to Divine Mercy Sunday is obtainable even during this time of Coronavirus. The homebound should make an Act of Perfect Contrition prior to viewing a televised Mass on that day. At the time of Communion an Act of Spiritual Communion should be prayed. The plenary indulgence should also include a prayer for the Holy Father’s Intentions. A Sacramental Confession should follow as soon as possible, once diocesan and civil restrictions are lifted.
Please notify the parish office when your organization or ministry changes leadership. It is important for us to know the correct person to contact regarding 2020-2021 facility scheduling. Click the article title for contact information.
The New York Times recently criticized pro-life politicians who are taking steps to save lives during the coronavirus outbreak. The newspaper editorial board did not have a problem with states’ bans on most non-essential medical procedures—just those that include abortion, a life-destroying practice that puts both mothers and unborn babies at risk, potentially requiring medical resources better used in saving lives threatened by COVID-19. Click the article title for more information.
St. Joachim's School Class of 1970 will be celebrating our 50th Reunion on November 28, 2020, at the Stone Terrace by John Henry's. For more information, please email [email protected]. Please make our 50th Reunion a success. Thanks!
Around sunset (7:32 PM) on Holy Saturday evening, while Paschal Candles are being lit at Easter Vigils, the clergy, religious and lay faithful of the Diocese of Trenton are invited to safely display a lighted candle (such as those used at Christmas) in the window of their homes, as a symbol of our unity with Catholics throughout the world.