Cheer Tryouts will be held in the gym on Friday, September 13, from 6 to 7 pm. All girls attending OLS School (grades K – 8) or who attend OLS-SA Religious Education classes are welcome to try out. Click the article title for more information.
The Knights of Columbus Hamilton Council 6213 presented their July 2019 Knight of the Month Certificate to Fr Eugene Savarimuthu. Click the article title to see a photo!
Our special Liturgy of the Word for children in grades K-4 begins on September 8 at the 11:00 Mass. Join us as we process downstairs to share God's Word! If you'd like to help out, click the article title for contact information.
Monday Night Bible Study will resume meeting on September 16 at 7:30 in the Church Library. The Last Monday of the Month Afternoon Bible Study will resume meeting on September 30 at 1:00 PM in the Church Library.
If you and your spouse are celebrating your 1st, 25th or 50th or more wedding anniversary 2019, you are invited to gather with family and friends to share the Eucharist, renew your sacred wedding vows, and receive Bishop O’Connell’s Episcopal Blessing. Please sign up before September 7! Click the article title for more information.
“I guess you were right.” Although Jim and I don’t see our marriage as a competition, still this phrase is one of the sweetest things he can say to me. It usually comes after a disagreement in which each of us was sure we were right. It doesn’t remedy the mistake but it’s SO much better than “I told you so!” I turn toward him with love rather than self-righteousness. Is there something your spouse was “right” about this past week?
Mr. Antonis Ilanio has accepted the position of "Coordinator of Youth Activities" for our parish. Our youth program will take on a new approach. We welcome Antonis and pray that the Lord will bless his efforts in this challenging and exciting ministry. Click the article title for more information.
We know that caregiving can impact quality-of-life. That’s why we’re offering a program just for you to learn and practice stress management techniques and relaxation and coping strategies. Click the article title for details.
Last week, the parish received a check in the amount of $12,992, a rebate from our parish contributions to the Faith to Move Mountains Endowment Campaign. This will be used to defray the cost of the capital repairs and improvements being made to our buildings this summer. Click the article title for more information.
The ONLY Mass of Labor Day, Monday, September 2, will be celebrated at 8:00 AM at St. Anthony Church. There will be no Mass that day at Our Lady of Sorrows Church.
Our Golf Classic is fast approaching and we hope that our many parishioners and friends who are golfers will want to participate in this annual fundraiser to benefit our parish and school on Wednesday, September 18, at Mercer Oaks. Click the article title for more information on how to register.
Are you grieving? Are you blaming God for your loss? Do you want to know if this grief is normal? Look on the Grief Support page under Worship & Liturgy > Funerals for information on the stages of grief, some simple things you can do to help you get through it, and contact information for local grief support groups. You can get help.
Thanks to all who are so generously responding to our annual summer project appeal. If you have not already done so, please prayerfully consider a donation. Click the article title for more information.
Click the article title to see a list of spiritual programs being offered at the Francis House of Prayer in Rancocas, and the Maris Stella Retreat Center in Harvey Cedars.