We do not undertake many major fundraising efforts so our summer appeal is very important. Might I suggest a sacrificial gift of at least $100? Any gift you decide to make of course is most welcome! Click the article title for more information, or go to the Summer Projects page under Stewardship.
We care about the changes in your life, so please keep us informed if one of your loved ones is hospitalized or moves into assisted living or a nursing home. Let us know when you’re moving—we may not join your painting party, but we will update our records. And please remind your children that once they achieve the age of 21, they need to register on their own.
I am grateful to all those who participate at Mass with attention and devotion. For a quick review of appropriate behavior in church, see the Church Decorum page under Worship & Liturgy.
Are you very sick, or generally in poor health? Find out about the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick under Worship & Liturgy > The Sacraments. On this page you’ll find information about what this sacrament is and who it’s for, and on the page under this one, you’ll find out how to prepare for a sick call.
Before asking someone to be a sponsor for baptism or confirmation, consider that the sponsor’s role is to help the baptized lead a Christian life in harmony with baptism and fulfill faithfully the obligations connected to it. Click the article title to find information on the requirements for sponsors and godparents.
Trenton Catholic & Cathedral High Schools' Class of 1959 are celebrating their 60th Reunion Sunday, September 29, 2019, from 1-5, at Mercer Oaks Golf Course Restaurant, with a luncheon/dinner. Click the article title for more information.
Is God calling you to join a community of Catholic men and women dedicated to guiding God's people to healing, freedom, and purpose in Christ? You are invited to see if you are called to join the Marian Servants® of the Holy Family, Thursday, September 12 from 6:15 to 8:30 pm, at St. Gregory the Great Chapel. Click the article title for more information.
The Golf Classic will be held on Wednesday, September 18. Registration forms must be received by August 31. Entry is based on a first-come, first-paid basis, and is limited to the first 120 paid golfers. Click the article title for more information.
About Our Updated RCIA Process--Our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is now going year round! Now anyone interested in receiving the Sacraments of Holy Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation can begin the process (Period of Inquiry and Discernment) at any time throughout the year. Click the article title for more information.
Next weekend (July 27-28) we welcome Claretian Fr. Nathaniel Eke who will be at our parish as part of the annual Missionary Cooperation Plan. Fr. Eke will be speaking at the Masses about the work of his community. We ask you to be as generous as your means allow.
If you get an email supposedly from Msgr. Gervasio (or any other OLS-SA staff member), that asks you to do him a favor, buy gift cards for him and send him the PIN numbers of the cards, ignore it...or report it to the police. This is a scam. Msgr. Gervasio would never ask you to do this!
Clothes say something about what we think, what we value. They also influence how we behave and feel...Going to God’s house IS important. Being ministered to by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is astounding. Casual attire in these circumstances is simply inappropriate if we really think about what we are doing, where we are going and who it is we will meet
By supporting the 2019 Annual Catholic Campaign, you extend a hand in helping the Diocese of Trenton Marriage Ministries and preparation, Family life support, and Respect Life ministries, advocacy, and education. Click the article title for more information.