Are you under the impression that abortion is between a woman and her doctor, and that it doesn't affect any one but the woman (and of course, her child)? Research is showing that this is not true. See the page Not Just a Woman's Issue, under Ministries > Respect Life on this website for more information.
Come and Experience God’s Grace and Mercy! Our Mission speaker, Fr. Dave Pivonka, T.O.R., will hold a special event for diocesan youth and young adults on Sunday, April 28, at St. Raphael's Church, beginning with Mass at 5:00 PM. Food and fellowship will follow in the Parish Center. Afterwards, there will be Eucharistic Adoration, teaching, reconciliation, and praise and worship. Please register, so we'll know how much food to provide!
This Octave Day or Second Sunday of Easter is also Divine Mercy Sunday. The image of Our Lord, Divine Mercy is displayed in our churches and we encourage everyone to take some time to pray before the sacred image and implore the Lord’s mercy upon our Church, our world and our families.
We extend our gratitude to all who so generously contributed to our Easter Collection. If you have not yet made your gift, know that your contribution is most welcome. Your generous support helps our parish meet its many obligations. Please be generous! A collection total will be published in the coming weeks.
Our Lady of Sorrows School is participating in the Diocesan Elementary School Day of Service, Hearts to Hospitals: Hearts to Lead, Hands to Help. Click the article title to find out how YOU can help!
Congratulations to the following students who have achieved academic excellence for this past marking period of the 2018-19 school year. Click the article title to see the names of our honor roll students!
Please use the pew missal holders for our “Breaking Bread” missal/hymnals only. The holder is not intended for bulletins, soiled tissues, gum and/or candy wrappers, etc. Our regard for the Lord’s house should make us attentive to its care and good order. Moreover, consuming gum or candy in church is not only inappropriate but breaks the required Eucharistic fast before Holy Communion. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.
Mount Carmel Guild’s Annual 50/50 Raffle is now taking place. The ticket price remains $25 with the lucky winner to receive half of all sales. Last year, the winner received $10,000! The drawing will be held on Thursday, May 23. To get your tickets, call 609.392.5159, Ext. 3.
Have you been looking for information on our Religious Education program for children? You’ll find it under Faith Formation > Religious Education for Children, along with general information about the programs, class times, and office location and hours.
The Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) of Mercer County offers Summer Camps, Pre-schools, Swim Lessons, and group picnic rentals. Click the article title for details.
The Trenton Catholic Academy Community invites you to participate in the Alumni Memorial Mass for the deceased graduates of St. Anthony High School, McCorristin Catholic High School, and Trenton Catholic Academy. Click the article title for more information
Do you have an old bicycle that you or your family no longer use? The Boys & Girls Club Bike Exchange is an all-volunteer effort that collects, repairs, and sells bikes from its shop in the Capital Plaza Shopping Center on the Trenton/Ewing border. For more information on how you can help, click the article title.
Our faith teaches us, and embryologists have concluded, that life begins at fertilization (conception). Despite this scientific reality, pro-abortionists refute the medical evidence in favor of an unnatural assertion that life begins at embryo uterine implantation. Abortifacients are drugs or devices that end rather than avoid pregnancy by preventing the fertilized embryo from implanting in the mother’s uterus. Since implantation occurs several days after fertilization, abortifacients are morally equivalent to abortion and represent a concealed attack on the human embryo.
The last Children's Liturgy for this school year will be on April 28. Many thanks to all the wonderful children who came to pray and hear God's Word this year, and to our Children's Liturgy team.
We express our thanks to so many so generously assisted in the preparation and celebration of the liturgies of Holy Week. Click the article title to see more information.
Are you looking for the schedule of Masses for Easter? Are you surprised to find out that Easter actually lasts for 50 days? Find all this and more on the Easter Season page under Worship & Liturgy > Liturgical Seasons.