Fr. Joseph, Fr. Jean, and I, along with our parish staff, sincerely thank all those who remembered us in this holy season. Your cards, spiritual bouquets, homemade treats, and gifts were most thoughtful. May the Lord bless you abundantly for your kindnesses.
Our staff is preparing our annual parish report that will include a financial accounting for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2019; sacramental and census statistics for 2019; as well as expanded information on our parish school operations. Keep your eye on the parish website and future bulletins for this information.
The parish office will close at 12:30 PM on New Year's Eve (Tuesday, December 31) and will remain closed until 9 AM on Thursday, January 2. We all wish you a blessed, happy, and healthy 2020!
We acknowledge the wonderful work of our liturgy committee members, decorators, and maintenance and office staff who dedicated so many hours of their time to prepare our churches for the Christmas Celebration. We also thank all our liturgical ministers who assisted at the numerous Masses of the Christmas Vigil and Christmas Day.
We are grateful to the members who have sent in their 2019-20 dues thus far. For those who have yet to do so, please try to send it in before the next reminder notice is sent. Click the article title for details.
Membership dues for the Rosary Altar Society for the year 2020 can be returned by placing the check in an envelope and dropping it in the collection basket or at the parish office, or pay in person at a meeting. Click the article title for more information.
The OLS-SA Rosary Altar Society invites you to join us on Wednesday, April 29, for a trip to the Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster to see the play "Queen Esther". Click the article title for more information.
Our parish relies very much on the annual Christmas Collection to meet its financial obligations. Your generosity in this annual appeal is very much appreciated.
The Knights of Columbus Hamilton Council 6213 would like to thank all who participated in the Coats for Kids drive. With your generous donations, we were able to distribute 22 cases of coats to several local organizations. For details, click the article title.
The OLS-SA Rosary Altar Society's After-Christmas Luncheon will be held on Sunday, January 19, from 1 to 4 PM at Villa Maria Restaurant in Hamilton. Click the article title for details.
The office will be closed in observance of Christmas on Tuesday, December 24, and will remain closed through Thursday, December 26, The office will reopen on Friday, December 27.
College campuses are battlegrounds for the minds & souls of our young people, and many are leaving the Church. Students are hungry for truth and meaning but most are not being reached effectively. Saint Paul's Outreach (SPO) brings students back to Christ and the fullness of the Catholic faith. SPO builds evangelistic communities that provide a unique quality and depth of formation in the Catholic faith and life.
The 2019 Adopt-a-Family program was again a huge success! Gifts for 360 children were donated by 140 parish individuals and families. In addition, numerous parishioners donated more than $3,000 to be used to purchase gifts for additional children. Many thanks to all who donated gifts, money, or gift cards, and to those who helped to collect, sort, and deliver the gifts on Sunday. For details, click the article title.