What counts in making a happy marriage is not so much how compatible you are, but how you deal with incompatibility. In what way are you and your spouse most different?
Please remember to return your All Souls Remembrance envelope. These, with the names of your beloved deceased, will be placed upon our altar through November in prayerful remembrance at all Masses.
We are pleased to congratulate Grace Gill and Gabriel Gomez of our school, who have been selected as part of the CYO’s 2018-19 Scholar Athlete Team. Click the article title for details.
Daylight Savings Time ends next weekend, at 2 AM Sunday morning, November 3. Please remember to set your clocks back one hour before going to bed on Saturday night!
Beginning November 11, a Bereavement Program that will run for 9 consecutive Mondays from 10 to 11 am will take place at Our Lady of Sorrows. Watch here for details.
Next weekend (November 2-3), all the parishes of the Diocese of Trenton will be promoting vocations to the priesthood through a program, Called by Name. During this week, pray for a young man (age 16-40) who you think would make a good priest. Details next Sunday! Click the article title for a prayer to the Lord of the Harvest for vocations, from Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio.
All Souls Day (November 2) will be celebrated at the 9:00 AM Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows, commemorating all the faithful departed. In addition, a special Mass at 10:30 AM at Our Lady of Sorrows will commemorate all the faithful departed of the last year.
Four couples from Our Lady of Sorrows - St. Anthony joined couples from other parishes in Mercer and Burlington counties at St. Mary Cathedral last Sunday to mark anniversary milestones and receive Bishop O'Connor's episcopal blessing on their many years of wedded bliss. Click the article title to see the names of the four couples.
You can still sign up for the Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon! The luncheon will be held on November 17, from 1 to 4 PM, at the German-American Club, on Uncle Pete's Road. The registration form can be found in this week's bulletin, and you must return the form to the parish office by November 8.
Today we invite you to join us for a special marriage enrichment opportunity, a three-session workshop to enhance your relational skills with each other, with married couples in your family, and for other married couples in your parish community, so that your marriage can be a source of healing and strength for others. Click the article title for more information.
We are offering Country Gardens’ delicious pies for our next fundraiser. Click the article title to find the flavors offered, the price of the pies, and a link to the bulletin containing the order form.
Our annual gala to benefit Our Lady of Sorrows School will be held from 6 to 11 pm on Friday evening, November 22, at the Stone Terrace by John Henry in Hamilton. It features a sit down dinner, an open bar, and a DJ with dancing. Click the article title for more information on the cost and dinner options.
A child should never go cold in winter! The Hamilton Knights of Columbus is asking for your help to provide needy children with a brand new coat this holiday season. Click the article title for more information.