Our parish picnic will be held on Sunday, September 16, from noon to 5 PM. Please check the Parish Picnic page under Ministries > Community Life > Community Events for more information and an online registration form.
The Knights of Columbus and our Parish Respect Life Group extend their thanks to the parishioners for their extraordinary generosity in the New Jersey Right to Life Chance Sale. The sale raised $2,114 in sales and donations for New Jersey Right to Life.
The only Mass on Labor Day (Monday, September 3) will be celebrated at 8 AM at St. Anthony Church. Please join us, and then have a safe and restful holiday!
Our Parish Respect Life Group and the Knights of Columbus extend their thanks to the parishioners for their extraordinary generosity in the New Jersey Right to Life Chance Sale. The sale raised $2,114 in sales and donations for New Jersey Right to Life.
This is week #4 of the Novena for the Legal Protection of Human Life! Please join Catholics across the nation in prayer, action, and fasting when possible, to promote the Church’s Pro-Life efforts on each Friday between August 3 and September 28. Click the article title for more information on the prayers to be said.
Are you a person who’s interested in mission statements and core values? You’ll find ours on the parish website (www.ols-sa.org), under About > Mission and Core Values.
Gennesaret, a retreat designed to provide a spiritual and temporal oasis for men and women suffering with a life changing illness, will be held the weekend of October 19-21 at the Archdiocesan Retreat Center, located in Kearny. The retreats, held in a setting that allows time for rest and quiet, offer a respite from the daily coping with a serious illness and a focus on God's love, forgiveness and faithfulness. For more information, click the article title.
On September 8, the Holy Cross Center of Learning will begin classes aimed at developing an awareness of Christ’s life in persons age 7 - 107 who are not able to function in a regular Religious Education Program due to intellectual, cognitive, and/or developmental disabilities. Click the article title for more information.
On September 29, the Diocesan Department of Pastoral Care will sponsor a symposium on practical parish strategies to address the addiction epidemic in New Jersey. For information on time and location, click the article title.
Or were you baptized Catholic as a child, but have not celebrated the sacraments of Confirmation or Holy Eucharist? Or do you know someone who is thinking of becoming Catholic, or has a child over the age of seven who has not been baptized? The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults may be just what you need! Click the article title for more information.
Summer hours (i.e., early closing on Fridays) will end on August 31. Effective September 7, the parish office will again remain open until 4:30 p.m. on Fridays. The parish office will be closed on Monday, September 3 (Labor Day). Enjoy a safe and restful holiday weekend!
Faith to Move Mountains Campaign: Last week, the parish received a check in the amount of $20,600.83, a rebate from our parish contributions to the Faith to Move Mountains Endowment Campaign. This rebate is part of the parish sharing component of the endowment appeal. It is based on the total cash payments of $690,854.61 less any previous rebates received. Click the article title to find out how the money will be spent, and other details.
Do you want to know about our parish patron saints? You’ll find information on the parish website (www.ols-sa.org), under About > Our Lady of Sorrows, Patron and Titular, and About > St. Anthony of Padua, Patron and Titular. You’ll also find our patron saints under Faith Formation > All Things Catholic > Saints, where you’ll find them listed in the menu on the left, along with a few other saints you might find interesting.
The USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities began a Novena for the Legal Protection of Life on Friday, August 3, which will continue until Friday, September 28. This nine-week effort will include prayer and fasting for the intention that this change in the membership of the Supreme Court will move our nation closer to the day when every human being is protected in law and welcomed in life. For the link to sign up, and more information, click the article title.