In light of the rather large and expensive projects already underway (parking lot paving and lighting, and roof repairs) we thought to keep this year’s projects at the modest level but focused on security and safety needs. We ask you to be as generous as your means permit. The appeal will run from July 1 through Labor Day. Click the article title for more information.
Items to be published in the bulletin for the weekend of July 7-8 should be submitted no later than Monday, June 25. Please email all bulletin announcements to [email protected]. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Do you want to learn more about your faith? Check out the pages on our website under Faith Formation. For a brief overview, click the article title, but better still, take a look! Explore! Check it out!
Clothes say something about what we think. What are our clothes at Sunday Mass saying about the Mass and how we value it? Click the article title to see an article from Msgr. Gervasio about appropriate dress for Mass in the Summertime.
A set of new vestments for use on solemn feasts has been procured for the parish. A celebrant’s chasuble, two concelebrant chasubles, and two dalmatics comprise the set. We offer our thanks to these generous donors for this gift that adds beauty to our worship of the Lord. Click the article title for more information on these donations.
The bill to legalize physician assisted suicide (A1504) has not yet been scheduled for a vote by the full Assembly. There are still two possible dates when it could be scheduled. Please contact Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin to ask him not to schedule the bill for a vote. Click the article title for more details and contact information.
If you haven't already done so, please submit, prior to June 30, all requests for your group’s use of facilities at Our Lady of Sorrows and/or St. Anthony campus from July 2018 through June 2019. Information and forms, including an annotated calendar facility reservation form, are available
Next Sunday, June 24, is the Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. So important is the figure and mission of the Baptist that liturgically the celebration of his birth takes precedence over the observance of the Sundays of Ordinary Time. Thus, the readings and texts of the Mass next week will be those of the Solemnity rather than the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Next Sunday, June 24, Fr. Jean Félicien will celebrate the 11:00 am Mass and will be our ‘guest of honor’ at a reception to follow in the church hall. Join us in offering Fr. Jean our thanks for his exemplary ministry among us!
Jou Dimanch k'ap 24 Jen an, se Pe Jean kab selebre Lamess 11:00am nan epi li pral envite d'honneur nan resepsyon nap fe pou li apre Lames nan sal pawasyal la. Se va yon bel okazyon pou nou remesye Pe Jean pou ministe li nan mitan nou!
Everyone is welcome in the Lord’s House, to be sure, but we should take the time and effort to remind ourselves and our fellow Catholics that Mass—our meeting with the Lord—is important!! Appropriate attire also provides a respect for those who worship with us and preserves the modesty that we are called to practice. Click the article title for the full article.
We have the opportunity to assist the needy within our own parish through the donations you make to the St. Vincent DePaul Conference. Click the article title for information on how you can help.
It is time for our members to enjoy our summer break. There will be no meetings for the months of July and August. Meetings will resume in September. Click the article title for more information on next year's membership.
St. Greg's annual family carnival is the place to be from June 18 - 23. It opens nightly at 6 p.m. and there's plenty of parking. For more information, click the article title.