Legislation known as The Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act (A1504) will go to the full Assembly for a vote, possibly as early as June 7. This legislation authorizes physicians to prescribe drugs that an individual would ingest to cause suicide, therefore authorizing physician-assisted suicide. Click the article title for information on unintended consequences of such legislation. We need to act!
Suicide is always a tragedy! Do not be misled by the seductive language of "dignity," "mercy," "compassion," or "aid in dying." True compassion does not put a lethal weapon—in this case a prescription of 100 capsules of Seconal—into the hands of a person to help take his or her life. Click the article title for more information.
On May 19, a special liturgy was celebrated at the 5:00 p.m. Mass to honor the sacrament of marriage for couples who are celebrating anniversaries of 1 year, multiples of 5 years, or more than 50 years, during 2018. Congratulations and best wishes for continued blessings and happiness! Click the article title to see the list of anniversary couples.
The flowers in the sanctuary at Our Lady of Sorrows this week are in loving memory of Marie A. Stilwell at the request of her husband Nicholas and family.
In a recent letter to Monsignor, Linda Gyimoty (Interfaith Caregiver's executive director) extended her gratitude "...for the donation of $1,981 to Interfaith Caregivers. Click the article title for more...
This year, we shall be honoring our patron at all Masses at both churches the weekend of June 9-10. Our celebration will be especially festive this year for two reasons...click the article title to find out why!
Help the poor...your parish...yourself...and thank God for all He has given you by making a generous donation or pledge to the 2018 appeal. Click the article title for more information.
Because of the generosity and support of those businesses and individuals who purchase advertising space on the back cover of our bulletin, we are able to save money as we provide you with news and information about your parish and your faith. Please patronize our advertisers, and let them know that you're there because you saw their ad in our bulletin.
Those words came from Fr Eugene Savarimuthu, whose ministry in India was the focus of our Lenten Work of Charity. In a recent letter to Msgr Gervasio, Fr. Gene extended his love and gratitude for the parish community’s continued support, both prayerfully and financially, for the “poorest of the poor.”
We take this opportunity to congratulate Deacon Kevin O’Boyle on the 15th Anniversary of his ordination to the Permanent Diaconate, and to thank him for the many ways in which he has served the Lord, the Church, and the people of Our Lady of Sorrows-St Anthony. Our congratulations, gratitude, and prayerful best wishes, Deacon Kevin!
Mwen kontan pou m anonse ke Ékselans, Monsegnè David O’Connell designé Rev. Pierre-Louis Joseph kóm vikè nan pawás la. Nominasyon sa li ap efèktif nan intèval 15 Jiyè 2018 la.
I am pleased to announce that His Excellency, Bishop David O’Connell has appointed as parochial vicar of our parish, Rev. Pierre-Louis Joseph. His appointment is effective on or about July 15, 2018. Click the article title for more information about Fr. Joseph.
On Saturday, June 2, Rev. James Smith, who has been serving as a transitional deacon in our parish for the last year, will be ordained to the priesthood, at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, at 10:00 AM. Everyone is welcome to attend. Click the article title to find out when he will be celebrating Mass for our parish.
From May 25 through August 31, the parish office will close at 12:30 PM on Fridays. Please note, the parish office will be closed on Monday, May 28, in observance of Memorial Day.